Decorating a Christmas tree snowman from paper - master class on quilling crafts
Many children all over the world are eagerly awaitingthe onset of this holiday. And not in vain, because the opportunity to create something new and unique with your own hands should come from inspiration. New Year's holidays and Christmas are the most inexhaustible source that feeds children all over the world. They are waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus, who should give them a new game console, or a brand new phone. But, from early childhood, you should teach your child that he should also make his own fairy-tale crafts for Santa Claus, which will make him happy.
Decorating a Christmas tree snowman from paper - master class on quilling crafts
This idea came to us thanks to the fact thatto kill two goals at once: Teach a child a new technique, and also teach him to make crafts for the benefit of the goal! In our case, the goal is to decorate the Christmas tree, and the method of work will be the quilling technique. Using thin strips of paper, we will form special circles, with the help of which we will get our fairy-tale character - the Snowman. It is no secret that many children, with the fall of the first snow, first of all run outside to sculpt this fairy-tale character. And what prevents us from "sculpting" him from paper? This handicraft technique will tell us about new ways of working that will lead us to a completely incredible result and teach the child. Materials for sculpting a snowman from paper
So, as was said earlier, we have toto work in the Quilling technique - this is a method by which elastic paper can acquire the necessary shapes, which we will model. In order to design such a craft, we will need a special list of materials with which it will be easier to invent a new craft, and we will also need a special instruction - it will make the process of creating a New Year and fairy-tale character easier and simpler. Let's get started with our work?
- Required paper for qwilling
- A small amount of cotton wool for decoration
- Tweezers - for processing
- Beads of black color for eyes
- Sheet of cardboard material
- Toothpick for quilling
- Adhesive PVA
Preparing the body and faceFirst, you need to take white papercolors, and then - form two large versions of the roll. One will be slightly larger, the other roll, respectively, is smaller. To form such a roll, you need to roll them to the very end. Next, glue a new strip of paper and continue scrolling. Such a roll requires 8 to 10 strips of paper. Next, two rolls must be glued together. After, form a hat for the snowman shape. To do this, you also need to roll a large roll, alternating colors. You will get a striped hat version.
Decorations for the snow hero Then, to the next onethe roll is shaped like a hat. For this, we also prepare a large version of the roll, but in this case, we need to use different colors. Thus, we get a striped hat version. Then, the top of the roll needs to be left flat. We pre-coat the inside with PVA adhesive so that the hat cannot deform, and also has a stronger appearance. After, we form a pompom for the hat. To do this, you need to cut a fringe from paper, and then twist a roll of the usual type. The roll is also fixed on the pompom in the form of a hat. Using red paper, we need to twist the nose in a miniature form, and then glue it to the middle of the roll at the top. You may need a ruler for this. To form a scarf, we prepare a piece of light pink paper, form a fringe on the edges of the paper, and make a design in the form of a scarf. Using tweezers, we prepare a version of the eye for one and the other side in the form of beads. You will get a version of the finished snowman!
Design of the composition How to design it forpresentation? For this, you can also attach a thread, and then - hang it on the Christmas tree, or use it to decorate around the perimeter of the house. Also, if you use your imagination, you can form many of these snowmen, and then use cardboard to form a small version of the composition. We make a Christmas tree using the same quilling principle. Figures can be attached to toothpicks, it will become a trunk for future formations. The Christmas tree should be made carefully so that the glue dries - wait. Otherwise, the structure will not be stable. Using paper in yellow tones, we design a star. We glue the elements of the composition to the cardboard. We use cotton wool to design the snow cover for our product. That's how we formed a composition under the Christmas tree!