Decoupage of a cabinet for the house by own hands: furnish, restoration and decoupage

Decoupage of a cabinet for the house by own hands: furnish, restoration and decoupage

Sometimes there comes a time when we have tosolve issues related to repairing or throwing out old furniture. The new interior has already been thought out, but this cabinet does not fit into the overall interior design of the future home. Restoration and decoupage of a home cabinetDecoupage cabinet for home. Photo №1But we don’t want to throw it away, and that’s why wewe are thinking over new options, thanks to which it will be possible to improve and implement the appearance of our object. But. first of all, it is necessary to evaluate how high-quality the furniture is in front of you. If it is a Chinese market product, which is made of plastic and sawdust of the press - the work is not worth it. If it is an old, but high-quality cabinet made of good wood - it is quite possible to process the material and start decoupage - decorating the outer part, which will match the interior design. In this article, we will consider popular options for modernizing an old cabinet. First of all, focus on the color design of your interior. It is the shades of paint and specialized fittings that will help you implement the desired type of design.

Special materials

Decoupage cabinet for home. Photo # 2For high-quality finishing of the cabinet you need:

  • Use a sanding machine or a sandpaper
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver
  • Putty and spatula
  • Roller for painting
  • Brush for work
  • Glue (carpentry)
  • Self-tapping screws

To process the cabinet, you will need this:

  • Putty for wood
  • Composition of the primer
  • Enamel (automotive), metallic and black (for the design of the article)
  • Scotch tape (Painter, tape assembly)
  • Element of lacquer
  • Glass mirror for cabinet size

Check of serviceability

Decoupage cabinet for home. Picture №3Before we work on the design of ourcabinet, it is necessary to check each hinge, as well as the nails on the product, in order to completely get rid of all the defects and old problems of the cabinet. This is important in order to return the product to its original appearance. Nails can also be replaced with self-tapping screws. New fasteners can also be secured with glue, which will preserve the structure of your furniture for a long time. Also, it is necessary to remove rust using solutions.

Cabinet processing

Decoupage cabinet for home. Photo №4Next, you need to remove the varnish coatingwith sandpaper or using a sanding machine. We wipe all the elements of the door with an antiseptic to protect them from various fungi. Then, it is necessary to clean off the varnish coating with sandpaper. Next, it is necessary to examine the cabinet for various damages. Complex dents and chips must be primed, and then repaired with putty. Putty should be applied in several layers. Each should dry for the required amount before the next. One thick layer will create a bulging effect, which will create an unstable structure and, over time, will crack. Small elements of defects can be removed with sandpaper and simple paint and acrylic as a primer.

Coloring and finishing the cabinet

Decoupage cabinet for home. Photo №5Next, the cabinet needs to be paintedthe color corresponding to the design, and then, using masking tape, we will limit the parts that will be intended for painting in contrasting colors. This is necessary in order not to touch the finished and painted surface. Next, it is necessary to insert the tinted glass of the mirror into our product. Thus, we will kill two birds with one stone: we will be able to expand the boundaries of the room, and then give the furniture a new interior approach. Also, you can decorate the top and side parts of our item with decoupage elements. These can be various napkin patterns or elements of decoupage cards. The work is done, all that remains is to put our product in a new place! Restoration and decoupage of the home cabinet is complete!

