Decoupage of toys for the new year - DIY crafts for the new year

Decoupage of toys for the new year - DIY crafts for the new year

Everyone wants to brighten up the New Year holidayusing a variety of methods. One wants to decorate the Christmas tree with some beautiful, original and perfect items. Someone will need little to get the atmosphere of Christmas and the presence of Santa Claus. But, we offer a very appropriate lesson for the New Year, where you will have to tint and decorate the balls using the decoupage technique.Decoupage of toys for the new year - crafts for the new year with their own hands. Photo №1

Decoupage of toys for the new year - DIY crafts for the new year

  • We take two plastic balls in diameter of 8-9 centimeters, preferably of silver color, so as not to lose color
  • We find two napkins decoupage with New Year motif (we have Santa Claus and gnome).
  • Acrylic paint option (white)
  • PVA
  • Varnish (acrylic)
  • Brush from the fan shape
  • Glass plates, ceramic
  • Foam (sponge)
  • Blazes for decoration
  • Bamboo sticks

Decoupage of toys for the new year - crafts for the new year with their own hands. Photo # 2Preparing the toy - processingDecoupage of toys for the new year - crafts for the new year with their own hands. Picture №3Let's get started with our work.To do this, you need to lay the bag directly on the table and remove all the caps from the balloons, and then take and pour white paint into a plate. Using a sponge, we collect the paint and paint our product. This method is also called priming. We paint the balloon and put a bamboo stick in it, leaving it to dry. The second balloon must be processed in the same way.Decoupage of toys for the new year - crafts for the new year with their own hands. Photo №4Cover with paint Then, the first layer of paintshould dry on two products in a period of one to two hours. After that, we make a time interval and paint our products with a second layer. We paint the third time using the same method.Decoupage of toys for the new year - crafts for the new year with their own hands. Photo №5The most interesting process is the processdecorations. First, we need to iron our drawings and then - unfold them. For the second bowl, we must dilute the water from the PVA clamps, using a 50 to 50 composition. You need to mix this composition extremely well. Then, you need to attach one drawing to our product and then dip the brush in the glue mixture, where after that, we decorate the fragment. We glue the drawings in a circle. The surface of the ball after such actions should dry. The same sequence is used for the second ball.Decoupage of toys for the new year - crafts for the new year with their own hands. Photo №6Processing the balls with varnish Wait until both balls dry. Then, you need to put caps in them and then process their surface with varnish.Decoupage of toys for the new year - crafts for the new year with their own hands. Photo №7The glossy varnish should be applied in the amountfour layers. The balls will have the necessary shine and before they dry, you should treat them with glitter. That's it, our little balls for the New Year are completely ready!Decoupage of toys for the new year - crafts for the new year with their own hands. Photo №8

