We develop toys from felt with our own hands

We develop toys from felt with our own hands

Handmade toys have always beenthe best gift. A piece of the creator's soul, his warmth and sincerity were put into the product. Moreover, a homemade toy is a wonderful decoration for the house, looking at which the child will always feel his importance, because it was he himself or with his mother who made an amazing craft. Felt toys are one of the most interesting sections in the category of homemade play things. This soft material itself is very cozy and comfortable, and gifts made from it are liked by both children and adults. It is enough to connect your imagination or borrow an idea by looking at the sites of craftswomen, and the felt toy will soon be ready.Unique and unrivaled toys made of felt. Photo №1Types of felt toys

  • "Patterns" - got theirname due to the features of the resulting product and the simplicity of its manufacture. All you need to do is download the pattern from the site and cut out the felt fragments, which then need to be sewn together. In the resulting product, the bottom edge is not sewn so that the toy can be put on the hand. It is not necessary to have a sewing machine, it is enough to have a thread, a needle and the skills of overcasting.
  • Educational toys can be in the form ofdolls or animals. The whole secret is that buttons, sequins, lace frills are sewn onto the crafts. The finished product has a non-uniform texture. The baby, even if he is still very small to help mom make a toy, will happily play with it. His tiny fingers will touch not only soft felt, but also paper, plastic, wooden decorative elements. A variety of tactile sensations develop the child's senses and imagination, train fine motor skills.
  • Toys-magnets are a very beautiful decorationfor a refrigerator or any other metal object to your taste. It is enough to buy a blank with a magnetic base, make a soft craft to your taste according to its size and glue it to the base.

There are still a huge number of types of felt crafts, their appearance and method of production depend on the mood, desire and imagination of the creator.How to surprise your guests?We offer you a master class on making a symbol of the New Year - a felt Christmas tree toy with your own hands. You can give it to friends or decorate your room. You will need:

  • A cone made of cardboard or foam rubber (the latter is preferable, it is easier to attach felt to it)
  • 50cm of dark green felt and 50cm of light green (or any shades to your taste)
  • Set of pins
  • Regular needle, thread
  • Felt-tip pen or black pencil
  • Cardboard

Work order:

  • Trace the cone's circumference on wavy-edged paper and cut out a piece along its borders, from which a felt analogue will be made. You will need a lot of such circles, everything depends on the height of the tree.
  • Fold the felt piece in four and attachits pin to the foam base. The pin should go through the center of the circle. If the cone is cardboard, it is better to use glue, this way the tree will be more durable and will not be damaged during manufacturing.
  • Once you have attached the last element, you can enjoyNew Year's toy made with your own hands. Or you can spend some more time making small Christmas tree decorations from any material to your taste.

Each felt toy will become a symbolhospitality and comfort in your home. Moreover, there is more than one office where a felt craft decorates an employee's desk. These are amulet toys that remind parents that a child who made this gift with his own hands is waiting for them at home.

