Detailed descriptions, tips, schemes and photos of pinets crocheted by their own hands.

Detailed descriptions, tips, schemes and photos of pinets crocheted by their own hands.

With the appearance of the baby, Mom has many worries. Useful and tasty food for crumbs, strong and healthy sleep, clean diapers, sliders, clothes and shoes. The latter causes the most questions, because the baby is growing so fast. And of course, every caring mother wants her baby to be the most beautiful and fashionable. The solution will be cute booties, connected with their own hands with the help of a hook. They can look like slippers, shoes, decorated with a bow or flower, boots or even a sneaker for young restless boys and girls. Various cords, ribbons, lace straps, beads and other decorations will help create unique and exclusive things. A bind booties is so simple that even beginner needlewomen will cope in one evening. There are several important points. When knitting pinets for a warm season, you need to give preference to cotton. It can be clean or with the addition of bamboo, linen, acrylic, silk. For a cold season, yarn with a wool content is suitable. To tie booties of a larger size without recalculating the scheme, you can simply take a thicker thread and hook. The more tightly tightened when knitting the loop, the more rigid the finished fabric will be. So, in order to start knitting you need to know the size of the future product. This and some other important points are written here. Codes for young fidgets.Detailed descriptions, tips, diagrams and photos of pinets crocheted with their own hands .. Photo # 1For this model you will need:

  • Hook No. 2;
  • Shoelaces;
  • Three skeins of thread. Pink - 50g, white - 50g, black - 50g. After finishing the work, some thread will remain.

Detailed descriptions, tips, schemes and photos of pinets crocheted with their own hands .. Photo # 2Sole.

  • Start working with white thread.
  • To knit a chain of 15 air loops (its length depends on the length of the child's foot)
  • Associate 1 lifting loop and continue to perform the posts without the crochet (14 pieces).
  • In the fifteenth (last) air loop, bind 3 tbsp. b. n.
  • The work turns out to be deployed.
  • In the last loop of the row, tie two posts without a crochet.
  • Follow the pattern. Only 5 rows on each side of the original chain of air loops.
  • Detailed descriptions, tips, diagrams and photos of pinets crocheted with their own hands .. Photo # 3Sides of booties. Knitted without increases.

  • To knit a row in a column without a crochet with a thread of pink color.Detailed descriptions, tips, schemes and photos of pinets crocheted with their own hands .. Photo # 13
  • To knit a row with a column without a crochet with a white thread.
  • Fold in half along and mark the middle of the knitting. Mark the same number of loops on both sides so that the sole is divided in half across.
  • A thread of black color with bars without a crochet to tie the distance obtained. This will be the heel of the product.
  • Pryazat 'thread of black color is still 7-8 rows from the middle to the middle.
  • The next row is tied with a pink string.
  • Detailed descriptions, tips, schemes and photos of pinets crocheted by their own hands .. Photo # 4"Tab" booties.

  • Knit a white thread.
  • Make a ring of threads. (you can reel two fingers of a thread from the tangle several times, leaving a small tail).
  • Tie in this ring 12 tbsp. with n. and tighten the short end of the thread.
  • In each of their received columns with a crochet to tie in two columns with a crochet. In the first case it will be 3 lifting loops and 1 bar with a crochet.
  • The next row is made in the same way. As a result, you will get a semicircular blank for the "tongue".
  • To the even end, attach the thread of black color and tie the next 8 rows using columns with a crochet. Starting each row with lifting loops.
  • Sew the resulting “tongue” to the base of the sneaker.
  • Between the columns with the crochet on the edges of the heel, you can pass the laces.
  • Detailed descriptions, tips, schemes and photos of pinets crocheted with their own hands .. Photo # 5Detailed descriptions, tips, schemes and photos of pinets crocheted with their own hands .. Photo # 6Keds are ready. Pineotki-boots with a flower for a small fashionista.Detailed descriptions, tips, diagrams and photos of pinets crocheted with their own hands .. Photo # 7You will need:

    • acrylic threads dark beige color - 60g;
    • acrylic threads pink - 60g;
    • hook number 3,5.

    In work unusual loops will be used:

    • A relief column with a crochet. Convex art. with n. knit as a simple art. with a., but insert a hook around the stem of the column of the row below from the front side (the column of the previous row is in front of the hook). Concave knit similarly, with the only difference that the hook must be inserted from the wrong side (the column of the previous row is located behind the hook).


  • A string of beige color to tie a chain of 15 air loops.
  • Start with 3 lifting loops. Count off the fifth from the hook loop and, starting with it, knit stitches with a crochet. In the last air loop to tie 5 posts with a crochet.
  • Repeat on the other side of the chain of the air loops, but at the last link 4 posts with a crochet and connect with 3 air lifting loops by a connecting post.
  • The first row (tied in a circle) is finished.
  • The second row starts with 3 lift loops. To knit 13 convex relief columns. Then tie two convex relief columns from one base 5 times. Then again, 13 convex relief columns in each column with the cusp of the previous row and again on 2 raised convex columns from one base 4 times + 1 the relief column is tied in one base with lifting loops.
  • Knit by the scheme of 3 more rows.
  • Detailed descriptions, tips, schemes and photos of pinets crocheted by their own hands .. Photo # 8Sides of booties.

  • A thread of pink color should be tied without increments with a whole row of pillars without a crochet, starting with 1 lifting loop. This is the sixth row.
  • Fold the sole in half along. Count 10 loops in both directions. This is the future spout.
  • Knit in a circle polustolbikom with a crochet up to 20 marked loops.
  • Then knit 2 bars with a crochet in one vertex (10 loops instead of 20 were obtained). This is the seventh row.
  • The eighth row should be tied unchanged with half-pins with a crochet.
  • From the middle of the spout (toe), count 8 loops in both directions.
  • Pull the other loops half-peaked with a crochet.
  • 16 of the selected loops are bound similarly to the 20 previously allocated. It turned out 8 loops. The ninth row is ready.
  • Tenth row knit similar to the eighth.
  • Select 6 loops in each direction from the center of the spout.
  • The rest of the series should be knitted with half-coats with a crochet.
  • Select 12 stitches for each of the 3 stitches with a crochet with one base. It turned out 4 loops of the spout. The eleventh row is ready.
  • Twelfth row knit similarly to the 8th and 10th row.
  • Count 3 loops on each side of the center of the bootleg.
  • Knit the rest of the loops with half-pins with a crochet.
  • Dedicated 6 spools of a spout into 2 stakes with a crochet with 1 top and three bases. The thirteenth row is ready.
  • Detailed descriptions, tips, schemes and photos of pinets crocheted with their own hands .. Photo # 9The top of the boot. From the fourteenth to the eighteenth row, knit half-columns with a yarn over without increases or decreases.Detailed descriptions, tips, schemes and photos of pinets crocheted with their own hands .. Photo # 10Flower.

  • For knitting use a yarn of pink color.
  • Make a chain of 5 air loops and connect the ring.
  • The first row starts with 2 lifting loops, then you will need to repeat the following loops 4 more times - 4 double crochets with 1 top and 1 base + 1 air loop. You get 5 petals.
  • The second row starts with 1 lifting loop. To knit a column without a crochet in the same loop, then tie 3 air loops, then 1 column without a crochet into the air loop of the previous row (between the petals of the columns with the crochet). Repeat 4 times. There are only five arches with 3 air loops in each.
  • The third row starts with 1 lifting loop. Then, in an arch of 3 stitches, fasten 1 stool without a crochet, 2 air loops, 5 stitches with a crochet, 2 air loops and 1 stool without a crochet. Repeat 4 more times.
  • For the fourth row, you need to use loopssecond row. Start with 2 lifting loops, then follow the relief column into the column without the second row crochet, then 4 air loops. Repeat 4 times. It will be 5 arches out of 4 air loops.
  • Fifth row start with 1 air lift loop. In the arch of 4 cp. to fasten 1 bar without a crochet, 2 air loops, 7 pillars with a crochet, 2 air loops, 1 column without a crochet. Repeat 4 more times.
  • Detailed descriptions, tips, diagrams and photos of pinets crocheted with their own hands .. Photo # 11The flower is ready. Attach it to the boot. Similarly, to associate with him a pairDetailed descriptions, tips, diagrams and photos of pinets crocheted by their own hands .. Photo # 12The booties are ready.

