Detailed instructions with diagrams for performing classical cranes of origami

Detailed instructions with diagrams for performing classical cranes of origami

Contemporary origami art often deviatesfrom classic techniques. Modular crane figures have become very popular. But first, you should master the classic crane, for which you will need one sheet of paper. The diagram of the classic crane is quite simple, so even an inexperienced origami master can handle it. Below is a step-by-step instruction for assembling a classic crane with visual diagrams. If you strictly follow all the instructions, then you will become the owner of a beautiful paper crane, which will always protect you and bring happiness on its wings. Using an ordinary square sheet of paper, you can create wonderful birds of different shapes. But if you want to make your crane more original and unique, then it is better to use colored paper in your work.

  • To assemble a traditional crane, use the following as a base:take a square sheet of paper. First, you need to draw two main diagonals. To do this, you need to put the sheet of paper with the colored side up and fold it as shown in the diagram, and immediately straighten it back.Detailed instructions with schemes for performing the classic crane origami. Photo №1
  • Then we turn our leaflet over to the other side and fold it in half in two directions, just like in the picture. Then straighten the paper to its original position.Detailed instructions with schemes for performing the classic crane origami. Photo # 2
  • Next you need to fold the sheet of paper as shown.diagram. Use all the applied fold lines. It is not difficult to assemble such a figure at all, for this you just need to bring the three upper points to the lower one, the sides should bend inward.Detailed instructions with schemes for performing the classic crane origami. Picture №3
  • Fold the side corners to the center and straighten them back.Detailed instructions with schemes for performing the classic crane origami. Photo №4
  • Do the same with the top corner. As a result, a figure in the form of an isosceles triangle should appear inside.Detailed instructions with schemes for performing the classic crane origami. Photo №5
  • You need to open the "flap" following the diagram and bend the sides inward along the already drawn lines. The top corner needs to be bent back.Detailed instructions with schemes for performing the classic crane origami. Photo №6
  • Turn the resulting figure over and do the same operation on the other side.Detailed instructions with schemes for performing the classic crane origami. Photo №7
  • Next, you should fold the side corners towards the center.Detailed instructions with schemes for performing the classic crane origami. Photo №8
  • On the other side, you need to do the same. You should get the same figure as in the diagram.Detailed instructions with schemes for performing the classic crane origami. Photo Number 9
  • Bend the right and left sides as shown in the illustration.Detailed instructions with schemes for performing the classic crane origami. Picture №10
  • Fold them along the existing fold inward.Detailed instructions with schemes for performing the classic crane origami. Photo Number 11
  • To make the head, you need to choose any of the sides and bend it as you see in the diagram. And then you can fold the wings of our crane.Detailed instructions with schemes for performing the classic crane origami. Photo number 12
  • Now our classic crane is fully assembled and ready to bring warmth, joy and happiness into your home.Detailed instructions with schemes for performing the classic crane origami. Photo №13
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