Developing the cube with their own hands, ideas of the master class, soft cubes / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

Developing the cube with their own hands, ideas of the master class, soft cubes / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

Since the first years of life of the baby many parentsare puzzled by the purchase of toys for their child. The basic requirements for toys for young children are their safety, as well as the benefits for the development of the child. Such requirements are met by a soft development cube in all the parameters, the ideas for creating which you will learn from our master class. Such soft cubes are used in techniquesearly development of children known throughout the world as authors: Zaitsev, Chaplygin, and Nikitin, famous for the creation of cubes-transformers based on the Rubik's cube principle. Developing cubes ZaitsevaAt the master class you will learn how to make cubes of Zaitsev with your own hands for your kids from improvised tools. So, in the process of work we will need:

  • empty boxes of milk or kefir with a square bottom;
  • ruler, simple pencil, glue and wide adhesive tape;
  • filler for cubes (coins, cardboard cuttings, bottle plastic and iron covers);
  • self-adhesive paper of yellow, blue and gray colors;
  • Stencils with letters or pre-cut letters of paper.

Operating procedure

Zaitsev's cubes with their own hands

  • To begin with, we measure seven centimeters on the side of pre-prepared empty boxes from under dairy products with a square bottom (with a facet length of 7 cm) and outline the folding position.
  • Then measure the top three centimeters and cut off the unnecessary part of the box.
  • We bend the carton of the box along the intended place of the fold and seal it with adhesive tape. A cube with an opening on one side was obtained, which is useful for filling the cube with filler.

Cubes of Zaitsev-2

  • Fill the cubes with filler: the future yellow cubes - with coins, gray ones with cardboard scraps, blue ones with bottle caps (this is necessary for the child to recognize the sounds).
  • We paste the resulting cubes with a self-adhesive film.

Cubes of Zaitsev-3

  • We apply letters to the sides of the finished blocks by applying a stencil, or paste pre-cut letters.

Cubes of Zaitsev-4That's all, our master class, in which we showed how to make cubes Zaitsev own hands, is over.

Other cubes

Also in the world of needleworkschemes, how to make a cube of paper, as well as soft cubes-transformers used in the early development methods of children such authors as Chaplygin and Nikitin. With the help of Chaplygin's developing cubes your children will quickly learn to read and write competently. To do this, during the lessons with the child you need to adhere to a certain scheme, which contains the author's technique Chaplygin. Cubes of Zaitsev-5To make Chaplygin cubes with our own hands is quite simple: for this you can use the ideas and the scheme of the process of our master class on creating cubes Zaitsev. developing cubeTo date, in pedagogy is verythe method of development of Nikitin's children is widespread. With the help of multi-colored cubes-transformers created by this author and having a scheme similar to the Rubik's cube, your children will learn to think, to think logically. Such cubes, like the Rubik's cube, will help them improve visual memory, as well as develop color perception. Rubik's Cube Cubes-transformers Nikitin is easy to makehands, using the ideas of the master class to create cubes Zaitsev (instead of letters on the sides of this cube, you need to paste colored paper according to the scheme of the author). developing blocks Also the cubes Chaplygin and Nikitin can be sewn,using for this purpose small cuts of a natural fabric and a filler for filling a cavity of cubes. The resulting soft cubes can be used in the game with the youngest children. developing cubes with their own handsIn addition, for the all-round development of your children, you can make your own origami-cube, or sew a transforming cube, using all your imagination for its semantic content. developing cubes with their own handsThe self-developed development cube will bring a lot of benefits and positive emotions to your child.

