Crafts from cereals, seeds or seeds with their own hands. Master Class. Video / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

Crafts from cereals, seeds or seeds with their own hands. Master Class. Video / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

Crafts from grains, cereals and various seedshands - a great way to take children to good use, because working with such natural material perfectly trains the fine motor skills of the hands, which contributes to the improvement of overall and speech development. Also, such activities help to bring up patience, diligence and perseverance in children.

Features of creativity using natural materials

Crafts from cereals with their own hands can not doonly schoolchildren, because such a joint work is suitable even for young children. True, with the kids will need to be always so that they do not hurt themselves. So, as a material you can come in handy:

  • all kinds of cereals and grains - buckwheat, rice, millet, semolina;
  • beans - peas, lentils and colorful beans;
  • any seeds and seeds - watermelon, pumpkin, melon and sunflower, etc.

Crafts from cereals You can take even pasta. Also in the process of work will be needed: thick paper or cardboard, glue, scissors, cloth, clay, patterns of various patterns, ornaments (according to your desire). The best crafts from cereals, seeds and seeds with their own hands are appliqués and paintings. You can invent scenes with the child yourself or use some ready-made templates and transfer them to paper. The complexity of the work should depend on the age of the children, keep in mind that the kid should be interested in making the craft on his own, even with your help, but not be completely out of the picture. Crafts from cereals

We create applications and pictures with our own hands

The theme of the work can be anything. But very beautiful and original products are obtained from grains and other natural materials on the theme of spring. Spring landscapes (handmade from watermelon seeds and cereals), lush flowers (especially flowers from pumpkin seeds - asters, sunflowers, snowdrops) are wonderful ideas for children's creativity. The more you use different cereals, seeds and seeds, the better, after all all of them not only vary in size and shape, but also in color and texture. That is, you will have a huge space for imagination and creativity. And if for your crafts of grains you need some special colors, then you can always paint your materials using watercolors or gouache. But what can you create an interesting picture with a peacock using watermelon seeds, as well as semolina and corn groats.

  • Draw a peacock on thick paper or print out a ready-made template (even ordinary coloring will do).
  • Spread the round ends of the feathers with glue and fill them with corn groats. Do the same with the paws of the bird.
  • When it is a little dry, shake off the leftovers.
  • Decorate feathers with watermelon seeds, tightly gluing each of them.
  • After a while, cover with glue all the remaining image of the peacock, except the head, and fill it with semolina, while clearing the contours with a toothpick.
  • The head can be painted, and the picture can be decorated on your own. As you can see, crafts made from watermelon seeds are made very simply.
  • Other ideas for crafts made from natural materials

    The picture can be not onlyan image of something, but also to be a simple panel made from cereals, seeds and other natural materials. Such a panel is best performed on fabric (usually burlap or other natural cloth), but you can also take paper. Divide your space into different sectors - these can be geometric shapes or abstractions, and then fill them with different grains and seeds (choose material of different colors, textures and shapes, combine them and try to combine them correctly). Crafts from cerealsTo divide the sectors, take the jute twine- then your natural panel will turn out more organic. Usually such pictures do not paint, but you can fix it with lacquer. With older children you can try to create voluminous figures or toys, like articles made of seeds and cereals. Then the material will need to be fastened to the skeleton of your product, for example, you can make a house for some fairy-tale hero, a candlestick shape or decorate a frame for photos. Crafting from the sunflower seeds with your own hands is the idea of ​​a wonderful joint creativity with children that will benefit and good mood for your whole family.

