We make a Christmas tree from ordinary macaroni, a detailed master class with a step-by-step photo
On the eve of the New Year holidays, you canto please the kids with something unusual. In this master class we will make a New Year tree from pasta. Yes, yes, from the most ordinary pasta. They can not only be cooked, but also used as a material for crafts. This once again proves that beautiful things can be made from anything. Here is our tree as an example. We will be very glad if our master class is useful to you, and you also learn how to make a Christmas tree from pasta. So, let's see what we need to create it:
- pasta. You can choose almost any, even bows, even curls. In our case, we use ordinary pasta;
- hot glue (thermo-gun, that is);
- white cardboard;
- white cardboard;
- an aerosol paint of gold color.
Taking white cardboard, we make a cone out of it.Then we cut off the bottom so that the base of the tree is even. Just take scissors and cut off the bottom of the cone. Then secure it with sticky, double-sided tape.
Now we start gluing the pasta to the cone.Here is one little secret that might be useful to you. Since our hot glue gun broke, we used the glue sticks themselves. We also advise you to use this method if you don’t have a hot glue gun at hand. Of course, you could use some other glue, but from our experiments we concluded that the macaroni sticks better with hot glue. And now, a little about the process of gluing macaroni using this method. We heat the stick itself with a lighter, and carefully dip the macaroni in it, after which we immediately and quickly glue it. Usually such operations are performed using a hot glue gun, but since we were forced to work without it, it turned out that the alternative method is more economical. So, we were not very upset about the fact that the hot glue gun broke. And this is how we glued the macaroni to the tree. Piece by piece, row by row.
After we glued all the macaroni, we got this Christmas tree.
Then, we paint the tree with spray paint, gold color. You can buy this paint in a regular hardware store. Now our tree looks like this.
It is enough to decorate it with ordinary tinsel, and it already looks beautiful.
But we didn’t want to stop there.I took some green outline glitters and applied a drop to each macaroni. Now we have a Christmas tree like this. We are very pleased with the result. We hope that you liked our tree too. Don't be afraid to create something with your own hands. Happy winter holidays!