Make a beautiful house of paper is very easy, using our tips with photos
Делаем домик из бумаги своими руками Бумага is the simplest and most versatile material for various creative endeavors. Babies from 3 months of age watch paper sheets attentively. Older children never cease to be fascinated by paper, often using it to make various crafts. They are very happy when adults help them with this. If you ask a child what object he wants to make, he most often answers that it is a house. At the same time, both boys and girls like to make this kind of craft with their own hands. Apparently, a child, even unconsciously, already in early childhood considers a house as an important attribute of human life. In this article, you will learn how to easily and quickly build a house out of paper with your own hands.So, let's get started. 1. Preparing the necessary materials and tools. Wanting to diversify the evening time of family pastime with an interesting common activity, you should prepare in advance:
- Paper (thin color, notebook or album, or pieces of wallpaper);
- glue;
- scissors;
- Brush for glue;
- pencil;
- line;
- stationery knife.
Take a regular stationery knife and you canCarefully make cuts for windows and doorways. You can use different types of glue: quick-drying, PVA, glue stick, wallpaper glue, or adhesive tape. The choice of details that will decorate your house will depend on your imagination. Here you can use watercolor or gouache paints, brightly colored pencils, beads, colored artificial stones, lace, rhinestones, and much more. For greater convenience, when creating a paper house with your own hands, it is better to do this on the floor or a wide windowsill. The main thing is that the surface is smooth and you are not afraid to make a scratch on it. 2. Prepare a sketch of our house. Before you start constructing the house, you need to decide on its dimensions and make a sketch. Let's start with a drawing. If you only have small sheets of paper to make a future large house, you can cut the drawing and make each part separately. When dividing the drawing, you must remember that its right part will not be folded under the glue and it should be drawn. You can include the floor in your sketch. But, in our opinion, without it, it will be much more convenient for the child to place his toys in the house: furniture, dolls, dishes, since not all of them will be able to pass through the door.
3.We connect the parts, decorate and assemble the paper house. We mark where the windows and the door will be and cut these places with a stationery knife. We remove the cut out pieces. We do not cut one side of the door, it will still remain slightly open. Then we proceed to decorating our product, since it will be much more difficult for us to do this after gluing it. You can decorate by pasting it with colored paper or coloring it with pencils. If you want, try attaching a bolt to the door: attach a small cardboard rectangle to the edge of the door, and make a cut on the jamb - as a result, the house will look more reliable and cozy. The roof can be made tiled. To do this, cut small "tiles" from thick paper of the color you need.
- After that, we cut out the parts of the house and proceed directly to the “construction” itself, we coat and glue along the fold line.
- Give a little time for the glue to dry.
- For greater stability, glue the product onto the cardboard stand.
And then the children no longer need your help.They can already start organizing a "housewarming". The construction of the house can be made more complex, add a porch, a second floor, an attic, a balcony. The steps in the work remain the same: a sketch - cutting - decoration - joining - drying. A couple more options for paper houses. Quite interesting paper houses are round in shape. When creating a sketch of such a structure, its body should look like a long rectangle. It needs to be glued along the bend on one side. And the roof is drawn in the form of a circle separately, and then attached to the body with glue. Children are very enthusiastic about making fairy-tale huts "from logs". The main materials will be the same, but the "construction" technique is completely different. First, prepare the material itself. From rectangles of the same size, we create tubes with a pencil – our future “logs”.
What will you get in the end is a smalla hut or a huge house, will depend on the number and size of these tubes. You will carefully build the walls from them. And in this work there are also two options: glue the walls with gaps of two "logs" or make a continuous "laying" of 4 tubes, shifted to the edges of the next row. We make the roof smooth or from "logs".
Having made simple paper houses with your own hands, you will then be able to create more interesting and unusual crafts together with your child.