Making a Hyacinth Bouquet with Polymer Clay - Master Class
Beautiful flowers made of polymer clay are a real delight in art that not everyone can make.
Making a Hyacinth Bouquet with Polymer Clay - Master Class
This master class is intended to tell andshow all the subtleties of constructing your own flowers using polymer clay. It should be recalled that this material has a number of advantages, thanks to which you can recreate very "realistic" flowers with your own hands. Stamens for flowers
First of all, we create stamens.For this we need yellow clay. We make droplets and cut them into 3. After that, we need to attach the finished stamen to a piece of wire, the length of which should reach twenty-five centimeters. At the end of each wire, we create a loop in advance so that the material is better attached.
The main action for sculpting flowers frompolymer clay is considered to be the creation of petals, as well as the correct tinting of these elements. Hyacinth is made very simply. It is enough to mold from clay of light pink color (pale shade). You can make such clay using white and pink paint in polymer. We use small droplets, which you need to carefully cut into six pieces with scissors - making petals. The resulting petal options must be straightened, and their size must have the same value.
Using a stack Using a stack, wehold our workpiece by its base and make a petal shape, rolling it in the length range. After that, you need to bend each leaflet to the outer area and twist it with the thick side of the stack device. You need to form 40 leaflets.
Next, we wait until the material dries.Usually it is twenty-four hours. then, we make the flower legs, which need to be rolled after they dry. We do this with pink clay. The red base for our wire will be translucent. Next, we coat 1.5 centimeters of the leg for the cup (under it), after which, using a small amount of clay, we quickly turn the rolling, the stem will come out slightly thin.
The clay needs to be stretched twice as large.Then we make the length of the leg by 3 centimeters. Leave the flowers to dry. After that, we do the tinting. For work, you will also need red paint and two brushes, a thin frame and a wider one, for shading. Using a thin brush, we draw a brush in the middle of each petal to paint along our length. Assemble the bouquet After the petals are completely dry, you can assemble them. To do this, you need to take a tape such as "tape" in green and wire for the stem base. We will cut the tape tape in the size of 1/4 meter. And fold it in several. After that, you get a square that needs to be cut into several particles. There will be eight pieces. Each piece must be stretched to increase the adhesive properties. Then, proceed to assembling the hyacinth. You need to take three flowers and then fold them for the top. Using a ribbon, wrap the blanks and fasten them together using improvised means. After that, take a thick wire and apply it to the element for fastening. This is the set of flowers we will get!