We make bullfinches and other birds from cotton wool. Master Class. Video / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

We make bullfinches and other birds from cotton wool. Master Class. Video / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

From cotton wool you can make bullfinches and a variety ofbirds: a pigeon, a parrot, a swan, a chicken. The technique of working with this light, affordable, environmentally friendly material is simple, but you do not need a few materials to make birds yourself.

Bullfinch from cotton wool

Master-class: birds on a branch

Step-by-step instructions will help you make the basefor any small model of sparrow, tit, bullfinch made of cotton wool. And then the craft needs to be painted with gouache of a certain color. For small birds you will need:

  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • Cotton wool;
  • thread and scissors.

Bullfinch from cotton woolDescription of manufacture:

  • prepare a place to work, pour a little glue into a small container;
  • spread out a piece of cotton wool, stretch it slightly, determine where the back will be;
  • dip a piece in the glue, cotton wool should not be impregnated with glue - this is very important;
  • take the upper corners of the piece and wrap them in the middle;
  • thread tightly tighten the cotton between the back and tail.
  • spread the tad again with a brush and glue;
  • form the right tail while working with a brush.

The nose can be pulled out and also coated with glue, andYou can roll an additional small ball and glue it to your head. Now you need to dry the craft, positioning it so that it does not get crushed. It is best to hang it on a string that is tied at the back. The final touch is applying paint. You can make a composition out of these birds: “plant” them on a branch, make them “float” under the ceiling.

Volumetric woolwork: nestling

Cotton wool is a soft material, but when properly processed it holds its shape perfectly. The main materials for the layout of the next craft will be crumpled newspapers, foil, cotton wool, and PVA glue.Bullfinch from cotton woolWrap a ball of crumpled newspapers with foil, put it inglue, wrap again now with cotton. If you do not want a fluffy toy, once again go through the brush with glue throughout the craft. Vatu to the model can be glued not with pieces, but with rolled balls, and the chicken will look more interesting. A scallop and a beak can be made from any material. Do not forget about the eyes. Chicken color in yellow.

Master class: Stork as a gift

Volumetric applique - an unusual optiongreeting card for the birth of a baby. This DIY craft will become a touching reminder of a wonderful event. To make a three-dimensional stork you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • Cotton wool;
  • markers;
  • multi-colored yarn.

First, think about whether the picture will includeany objects other than the stork are depicted. So, you can draw the sun, or you can carefully “fill it” with yellow thread or cotton wool, which you then paint in the desired color.Bullfinch from cotton woolDifferent ways you can depict the grass. For example, apply a brush on the cardboard glue and sprinkle finely chopped green yarn on this place. Having determined the general picture of the postcard, start working on the bird. If you can not draw, download the outline of the stork on the Internet. On the trunk, neck, bird's head, paste cotton. Paws and beak are cut from colored paper or use red yarn. Glue the wings. To do this, take a colored paper, a piece of leather.

Bird made of cloth

The craft is very simple to make; you don’t need to paint the bird, just choose the right fabric. For volume, fill the craft with rags or cotton wool. Necessary materials for work:

  • the cloth;
  • Cotton wool;
  • thread.

Cut a square out of the fabric and fold itdiagonals. Fold the corners into the middle, and fold them again. Then fold the piece in half, the shape will resemble a triangle. Take a long thread, tie the end – you have a beak. Form the head: put some cotton wool inside, closer to the beak, and tie it with a thread. Unfold the piece, pull the corners out to the sides – these will be the wings. Put some cotton wool for the body in the middle and tie it with a thread again so that a piece of the tail remains. You can cross the thread through the middle again. The bright bird is ready. A little desire, imagination and time and you can have a whole collection of crafts made of cotton wool – bright bullfinches, cute doves, festive storks. They will please the eye, surprise, and can be presented as a small gift.

