Making a flower from beads for beginners, lessons of creating a flower from beads

Making a flower from beads for beginners, lessons of creating a flower from beads

Beading is not just a kind of needlework. In recent years, bead crafts have become so popular that products from this unique material, thanks to the hands of the craftsmen, began to turn into real works of art. Including were all kinds of flowers from beads, which look so natural that they can be presented as a gift for the holiday instead of an ordinary bouquet of flowers.

Flower of beads with own hands

We make a flower from beads for beginners, lessons of creating a flower from beads. Photo №1 Even the most unskilled in this form of needleworkmaster, with the help of simple beadwork schemes, will be able to make a bouquet conceived by them with their own hands without much difficulty. The main rule in the process of creating any product from beads is a creative approach in conjunction with patience. Due to the fact that today you can find beads of any size and type you need in the retail sale, as well as choose any color range, bead crafts can be created for every taste and for any occasion. Since flowers are the most common decoration for any room, their making of beads has become very popular among those who want to work with beads. There are more and more options and types of homemade flowers and bouquets, which we can see by looking at photos of such crafts. Thanks to a visual example, you can make your own unique works, just borrowing certain nuances of decorating such bouquets and not yet familiar kinds of weaving from beads. Very gently the flowers will look like bells. First, let's try to make one flower, and if you like the result of the work, you can create a very beautiful bouquet of forest bells from beads.

Making flowers from beads

We make a flower from beads for beginners, lessons of creating a flower from beads. Photo # 2 To work will be needed thin wire,blue and white round beads. We begin the process by stringing three white beads onto the wire. The other end of the wire is pulled through two of them, towards the third. Now the beads are moving the wires to the center of the wire and tightening them. Further on one end of the wire we will string three more beads, and the other we will stretch through them in the opposite direction. Again tighten. We continue to work in the same way according to the scheme, where the required number of stringing beads is indicated. The scheme for this petal of the bell is 123454321. In those rows where 3.4 and 5 beads are indicated, we add blue beads to the white beads. In the same way, we make the second petal up to a row of 5 beads. Now you need to put one end of the wire into the wire side of the first petal, also at the level of a row of 5 beads, thus securing both petals together. Next, you need to dial four new beads and cross the tips of the wire, one of the ends of the wire passing into the one that is located on the side of the first petal. We continue to do the same to a series with one bead. After it we twist the wire and do the same process of weaving with two petals of the bell. We make a flower from beads for beginners, lessons of creating a flower from beads. Picture №3 The fifth petal begins to do exactly the same, butreaching a row of 5 beads, we connect the wires already on the sides of the first and fourth petals. After the beginning of the fastening between the petals, we continue to do the same, but at the same time we reduce the number of beads in the rows according to the scheme. We get the finished bell. The color schemes of the bell can be increased to 12345654321, then the next flower will be bigger and the petals in it will need to be made six. you can make a flower of six petals with the scheme 1234567654321. The bell bell is made in the same way, but from the three petals according to the scheme 123454321, connecting the petals below the row of 3 beads. In this simple way of beading, you can make a whole bunch of unspeakably tender forest bells.

