Make a fur cape for free. Photo materials and lessons for the cape.
Options for decorating the interior of your own homecan have different tasks and perform a variety of functions. Today we will consider one of such options, thanks to which you can get a decent appearance for your home and at the same time - solve an additional problem. We will talk about special covers for chairs, armchairs and poufs. Such elements of decorative design can look very beautiful, but at the same time - warm their owner. The appearance of such elements is undoubtedly pleasing and leaves a variety of impressions. If you want to make the appearance of your home more beautiful, this choice will allow you to complete the work started and ideally decorate the apartment for future use in the field of decorative design. So, what do we need to create a cover for an ottoman, chair, or armchair?To do this, you need to buy artificial furlong pile. Depending on your color preferences or desires, you can choose how many colors to use. In addition, you will need a special furniture stapler, which will allow you to secure the capes and give them the desired shape. In addition, you will need various tailor's pins that will help fix the capes in the necessary places on interior items. It is very important to remember that such an element of improvement is perfect if you urgently need to design the appearance of any item with your own hands, which is in an emergency condition. Fur with long pile can correct unevenness of the relief and make the appearance of your interior item much more presentable and interesting. In addition to improving the appearance, you will also get an ideal place to warm up. Thus, you will immediately correct 2 full-fledged tasks. It will be very easy to make such a cape. Let's take an ordinary ottoman as an example. To decorate it, you will need the cape itself, a stapler and pins. So, you need to throw the fur around the perimeter, on the pouf. Before this, do not forget to remove all foreign objects and free up as much space as possible for work. Many are afraid to do the work of decorating objects at home, in particular - such things. However, this task is absolutely simple.
After you have put on the cape, you need tosecure it to the corners of your pouf using special pins. Make sure that the cover fits the pouf as closely as possible and creates a noticeable shape for the appearance of this element. After the pouf is decorated with pins, it is necessary to cut off the triangles and unnecessary edges to leave only the shape necessary for work.
Then, you need to unfold the pouf and usestapler to fix the edges of our fur on the back part so that the elements of the edges from the coating are not visible. Then, the pouf must be unfolded and smoothed out. In this simple way, you will be able to perfectly design the appearance of your pouf and leave only the most pleasant impressions for yourself.