Make heating private homes with their own hands can anyone who carefully examine the recommendations posted in this article with photos.
We install a heating system in a private house with our own handshands Stove heating is already becoming a thing of the past, and most private houses are increasingly equipped with heating systems (usually water). Knowledge and understanding of the principles of operation of water heating is necessary both to avoid cardinal errors during installation and design, and for subsequent diagnostics of malfunctions in its operation. Structural elements included in the water heating system. This type of heating has different names: water, hydraulic or liquid. It is easy to guess that all these names are associated with the main coolant that circulates through the pipes between the heating device (boiler) and radiators (convectors), - this is a liquid (mainly water). It is important to understand that water heating is a closed system. The boiler, pipes and radiators are the main elements, but not the only ones. In addition, it is equipped with taps (or shut-off valves), an expansion tank, a safety unit and a pressure gauge. We will talk about them a little later. About the principle of operation of water heating. In its basic form, the operation of the heating system is quite simple. Passing through heating in the boiler, the coolant (liquid) is supplied through pipes to radiators or convectors due to expansion (or forced), which, in turn, give off heat to the room. Due to the fact that all these elements represent a closed system, the movement of liquid in it occurs cyclically.Types of liquid heating.Water heating systems are divided into two categories by circulation method: forced (pump) and natural (convective) circulation. We will describe the details of both systems below.
This option is quite simple in terms of composition,However, it requires qualification during installation. After heating in the boiler, the coolant expands and its density decreases, due to which the water rises up the vertical riser. At the top of the system, an expansion tank is placed, into which the heated liquid is displaced. After that, it flows down and flows through the return risers to the convectors or radiators. Cooling down, the liquid increases its density and returns to the heating device. There are several important points for a water heating system. Firstly, it is necessary to correctly select the diameter of the supply risers. In order for natural circulation of water to be possible, the pipes must be of a fairly large diameter. Secondly, it is necessary to calculate the correct slope for the risers. From the supply riser, it should be made towards the radiators, and for the return riser, the slope must be made towards the heating element, i.e. the boiler. If these conditions are not met, natural circulation will be disrupted. Heating with forced circulation. The liquid here is set in motion by a pump (circulation). Pumps of different capacities are created for different heating systems. The illustration shows the operation diagram of this type of heating. Heated liquid under pressure created by the pump is fed to heating devices. Pay attention to the valves shown in the diagram. They regulate the temperature on any radiator. In turn, the valves are produced both automatic and manual.
To eliminate air locks on radiatorsAdditionally, Mevski taps are installed as needed to release air. To make the right choice between a water heating system with natural circulation and a forced one, you should know the strengths and weaknesses of each of them. Advantages of heating with natural circulation:
- there is no dependence on the availability of electricity, since the system is devoid of a circulation pump.
Advantages of forced circulation heating:
- the interior of the house will not be damaged by the types of pipes, as they are usually neatly hidden;
- because of the possibility of regulation, such a system is more economical in relation to fuel consumption;
- the presence of good pressure allows you to install the control valves on the radiators, thanks to which it becomes possible to set your temperature for any room;
- The use of plastic instead of steel pipes is allowed, which further reduces the costs of installation and materials.
Disadvantages of heating with natural circulation:
- there is no possibility of simultaneous use with warm floors;
- there is no possibility to adjust the temperatures of individual radiators or convectors;
- the impossibility of the system being equipped with an indirect heating boiler;
- greater fuel consumption;
- complexity of installation;
- when using large-diameter metal pipes, not only does the cost increase, but the interior of the house deteriorates.
Disadvantages of forced circulation heating:
- absolute dependence on the availability of electricity, without which the operation of the system is impossible.
Now you can install a water heating system in your own home yourself.