We make a house of matches with our own hands, as in childhood, only better

We make a house of matches with our own hands, as in childhood, only better

To make a house of speech by your own handsnot difficult. In this you can help even the children. A little bit of assiduity, a minimum of theoretical knowledge and a simple handy material - that's all you need to make a beautiful and elegant craft. So, you will need: - Packing matches; - a coin or a small button; - the basis for assembling the house (a large book or some kind of box will do). First you need to form the foundation of the house. Arrange 2 matches exactly parallel, and on top of them perpendicularly lay in one row eight more. Then lay out another row: eight matches must be placed at right angles to the previous row. Then we will produce from the matches a "frame". The original match house with your own hands. Photo №1 Lay out seven match-rows with a well, watchingso that their heads are located around (for beauty). At the top of the well make the flooring. To do this, you will need eight matches, then put six more matches on top of the flooring. On the match house put a button or a coin. Now carefully take the hand-crafted article in your hands and place four matches at its corners so that they pierce the house through and through. Similarly, insert the necessary spicery along the perimeter of the walls of the house. Use a coin to level the walls. Those spichinki that were inserted with a coin, you needPush into the house - they will serve as the basis for the roof. Walls are formed by two rows of matches, which need to be inserted on all four sides of the house. First there will be a vertical row, the next correspondingly horizontal. The second row is laid with a well, and matchheads should be exactly alternated. As the walls are ready, the house is once again neededcompress, in order to give it strength. Next, proceed to make a roof. It is formed from a ready-made match-house - the corner match is used first, and then the vertically arranged matches of the walls are pushed from the bottom and pulled up. Fill the roof with the method of laying matches perpendicular to the upper deck. Observe the chess order. The last step is to make the roof slope of yourmatch house. It is made from matches that fit head to center from the top of the roof. After that, everything is finished and the match house is ready! If desired, it can be decorated with doors or windows, a pipe, for this it is necessary to cut them. Having mastered the production of a simple match houseyou can proceed to the creation of palaces, castles or even entire cities! The main thing - more fantasize! And you will definitely have a unique creation that you can brag to your friends!

