Make kanzashi from satin ribbons with your own hands with photo and description.

Make kanzashi from satin ribbons with your own hands with photo and description.

Flowers made from fabric materials,are found everywhere. In the hands of stylists, they become decorations for hats, dresses and even shoes. And they really look spectacular. Making such flowers with your own hands seems like a difficult task. But we hasten to convince you that this is not so. You can make flowers from fabric material yourself, matching one of the items of your wardrobe.An interesting master class on the production of kanzash from satin ribbons. Photo №1Flowers created using the kanzashi technique,are distinguished by their extraordinary conciseness, beauty and elegance, they literally "bloom" when needlewomen take them up. It is not without reason that in the Land of the Rising Sun, the birthplace of this art form, there was a belief that kanzashi contains magical power that removes damage or the evil eye. Kanzashi refers to the traditional Japanese art of creating flowers from silk. In the old days, only silk could convey the dazzling shades and textures of these flowers. The textile industry has now made such a leap forward that the number of materials no less beautiful than silk is steadily growing. So no one limits you in your choice of fabrics. In conclusion of the story about kanzashi, it is worth saying that it was used as a hair decoration when creating a traditional Japanese hairstyle. Modern Japanese brides also use this elegant accessory. Having received a general idea of ​​kanzashi, we proceed to creating our first kanzashi with our own hands. First of all, you should acquire the following materials and tools:

  • iron;
  • scissors;
  • ten pieces of flax material 75x75 millimeters;
  • Needles, pins and threads;
  • buttons.

An interesting master class on the production of kanzash from satin ribbons. Photo # 2Before starting work, we recommend ironing and slightly starching the material. Fold it in half diagonally. The triangle should be kept open with the tip up.An interesting master class on the production of kanzash from satin ribbons. Picture №3The lower left corner is folded to the top of the triangle. In the same way, we apply the right corner to the top of the triangle.An interesting master class on the production of kanzash from satin ribbons. Photo №4The material is then turned over and the left and right corners are folded so that they touch in the middle.An interesting master class on the production of kanzash from satin ribbons. Photo №5Again, the material is folded in half. The corners that we folded need to be tucked inward.An interesting master class on the production of kanzash from satin ribbons. Photo №6We compress the folded material and pierce it withwith a pin. Don't forget to make sure that the pin pierces all the folds. The base of the petal should be trimmed with scissors, as shown in the illustration:An interesting master class on the production of kanzash from satin ribbons. Photo №7Similar actions are carried out with the remaining nine squares of material.An interesting master class on the production of kanzash from satin ribbons. Photo №8Once all the petals are made,start sewing. We recommend using a double-folded thread. You don't need to make a knot at the end of the thread. You just need to leave a "tail" that is 12-15 centimeters long. After that, each petal is strung on the thread.An interesting master class on the production of kanzash from satin ribbons. Photo Number 9We tighten it and straighten the petals.By straightening the tips of the petals with your fingers, you can give them a rounded shape. However, this action is not necessary for those who prefer petals with sharp edges.An interesting master class on the production of kanzash from satin ribbons. Picture №10Finally, the kanzashi flower can be decorated using a button or a bead.An interesting master class on the production of kanzash from satin ribbons. Photo Number 11That's it! Your first handmade kanzashi is ready!

