We make an original gift - a basket with a bouquet, the basis of which are sweets

We make an original gift - a basket with a bouquet, the basis of which are sweets

It's no secret that the most original andAn expensive gift can only be one that is made with love with your own hands. You too can surprise your family, friends, children, colleagues or friends with such an unusual sweet surprise. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo №1 Make a basket with a bouquet of candiesit's difficult, and the whole process is very entertaining, because between the case, you can eat off the materials that are available, which will certainly raise your mood even more, and this will undoubtedly have a positive effect on your work. So, so that we get an unusual basket with a bouquet of chocolates, we need the following materials and tools: We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo # 2 Small wicker basket, floristicfoam base for making bouquets, wooden skewers for snacks, decorative floral net for decorating various bouquets of flowers, ribbon, scissors and, of course, sweets, necessarily cone-shaped, with one wrapped tail, in my case, the candy went 500 grams, but the exact number of them I can not tell you, because it depends on their weight. Let's start with the fact that we install a foam base in the basket, it must necessarily enter tightly and not fall out of the basket. If, however, the size of the floristic foam base is smaller, then it should be tied with a tape to the bottom of the basket. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Picture №3 Next, from the decorative floral net, different colors, we cut out details of a rectangular shape, 15-18 cm long and about 5 cm wide. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo №4 The items should be four times more than the number of chocolates. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo №5 After this we proceed to the formation of a sweet flower. To begin with, on the sharp end of the skewers, tightly attach the candy, wrapped up the tail down. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo №6 The base of the flower is ready, it remains only to beat it, that would give it the necessary shape. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo №7 To do this, we take one rectangular workpiece, fold it in half, and attach the two lower sides, forming a kind of petal. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo №8 The same, we do with three more blanks, and we get 4 petals of one flower. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo Number 9 Evenly place our petals around the candy and fix them with a thin tape on the skewer. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Picture №10 We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo Number 11 The extra tails of the tape are cut with scissors, and also cut off the excess projecting irregularities, the petals from the decorative grid. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo number 12 With the help of this technology we form all the sweets. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo №13 Then you can proceed to the formation of a bouquet ofsweets in the basket, for this evenly stick and distribute the entire surface of the floral foam candy flowers. If necessary, the length of the skewers can be shortened by cutting them with scissors or simply breaking them. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo Number 14 We complement our composition with a big bow in the tone of the bouquet. For this we need to take a wide tape. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo number 15 The formation of the bow begins, arbitrarily overlapping approximately the same loops one by one, tightly holding the entire bow, which we get. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo number 16 The number of loops can be any, they can be done very much, which will only strengthen the splendor of the bow. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo number 17 Very tightly we bandage the ribbon with a thin ribbon in the middle and straighten each of its separate elements, forming it in the way that suits us. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo Number 18 We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo Number 19 A ready-made bow is tied to one of the skewers with candy, on the side of the bouquet. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo number 20 By the same principle we make the second, small bow, and tie it to the handle of the basket. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo Number 21 If you are going to make a bouquet for a loved one or you are going to give it to a wedding for a newly-married couple, then it would be appropriate to include such a decorative heart in a bouquet. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo Number 22 In addition, in such a bouquet you can insert a greeting card handmade, made by your own hands. Our basket with a bouquet of sweets is ready. We make a basket with a bouquet of sweets. Photo # 23 If you do not have such a basket, you can putthis candy bouquet in any vase, it will also be very original and beautiful. I hope you liked my idea of ​​this unusual gift. More information on the art of making such bouquets and other beautiful objects, you can, using the relevant sections and master classes of our site.

