Do we make our own craft with a deer?

Do we make our own craft with a deer?

Craft “Reindeer” – This is incredibly fun creativity. And also a fun activity to do with children.How to make a hand-crafted deer. Photo №1Run me away, deer, to your country like a deer…Every child knows the words to this New Year's song and sings along without difficulty. And it even seems that it is this character who brings the New Year and Christmas holidays to the house. But it’s very easy to make together with a preschool-age child. The main material can be cardboard with plasticine and an ordinary plastic bottle. DeerLet's prepare the materials that will be needed for the work: – cardboard (2 sheets) - scissors and awl, - 4 stationery pins. To begin, draw on paper:deer body, paws, branched antlers and tail. Now let's cut them out. The next step is to apply the templates in order to each piece of cardboard, trace it, keep in mind that on the red one we trace it exactly, but on the white one there must be a margin of a millimeter. As a result, we get 10 parts. We begin gluing the red ones over the white ones, making sure that the white border is the same width along the entire edge of the parts. Afterwards, we move on to assembling the parts already received. We attach the horns, legs and tail to the body and make small holes using a sewing awl. Then we insert stationery pins into the puncture sites and secure them. The result is a fawn that moves its legs, is able to lower and raise its tail, and also move its horns. On top, using paints or pencils, you can paint it or decorate it with small chains and tinsel. It will be nice to receive such a craft as a gift or decoration for a postcard. Reindeer from a plastic bottleYou might be surprised, but plastic bottles are wonderful.material for joint creativity with children. It allows you to create a fawn craft of extraordinary beauty with additional details from cotton pads, cocktail straws, cardboard boxes, as well as tape and acrylic paints.To do this, we will make legs from a tube and tapeour character and attach them to our plastic bottle. Let's cut out branchy horns from a cardboard box, which we will also place in the desired area and secure with the same tape. We will also make the eyes and mouth from tape. Cover the entire craft with paper adhesive tape on top and paint it. After some time, when the deer’s body has already dried, we attach a tail made of a cotton pad. If necessary, paint the craft again.

