Make a soft doll with your own hands. The process is simple and extremely interesting.

Make a soft doll with your own hands. The process is simple and extremely interesting.

Everyone knows - dolls, not just toys, butan independent element of decor, which conveys the warmth of its creator, comfort and home atmosphere. Sewing them is much easier than it seems at first glance. You can attach to the process of households and the business will go much faster. In addition, this is an excellent occasion to pass together the evening or another, to give the work to the hands and, of course, to communicate with their loved ones. Dolls can be made in the form of a pillow, potholders, decorations on the wall, a Christmas tree and the like. We offer a variant of a small doll, which, undoubtedly, you will like and decorate your house. This - an independent element of decor and just a very beautiful toy. Soft doll with your hands. Photo №1 Of dense tissue, mostly neutralshade (for example - calico) we cut details: handles, legs, trunk and head of the future doll. We start with the pattern. You can draw it yourself or find variants in different sources. An example of an uncomplicated pattern for the future body of a doll is shown in the figure. Next we sew the blanks from the fabric, leavingfiller opening. Filler choose holofayber, sintepon or other preferred option. If you want to make a sitting toy, then the limbs (arms and legs) can be stuffed with filler to the middle (so that they bend) and as tightly as possible. Then, at the folding points, the parts can be stitched so that the filler does not creep. When stuffing, we help ourselves with a pen, pencil or other suitable object. Now we need for a doll dress. Choose the right style, fabric, cut and sew. An uncomplicated pattern is shown in the figure below. Rotik and eyes are painted with acrylic paint on the fabric. Then the person can add expressiveness with the help of blush. Shoes can also be painted with colors, but can be sewn separately, or even tied. For hair style, wool or dense thick cotton threads are perfect. Determine with the appropriate color and sew them to the head of the doll. To give the doll a still greater individuality, you can build from her "hair" a haircut: braid a braid, tie a bow or make tails. Appearance, clothes or jewelry dollsare limited only by your imagination. Let it not be empty-handed. Sew a pet for it, weave a basket or tie a handbag. Create, invent, make for the joy of the household. After all, what can be more pleasant than creating a cosiness and beauty in your home!

