Making a Christmas tree toy on a magnet with your own hands - polymer clay modeling technique

Making a Christmas tree toy on a magnet with your own hands - polymer clay modeling technique

Новогодние праздники сулят нам возможность show your creative abilities and make incredible crafts for your family and friends. There are enough reasons for this: Someone wants to please their loved ones and make a beautiful gift that will look thematically for the holiday events and remind them of where and when the gift was presented. For someone - this is an opportunity to decorate their home and create new, unique decorations for the holiday with their own hands.

Making a Christmas tree toy on a magnet with your own hands - polymer clay modeling technique

We make the Christmas tree toy on the magnet with our own hands - the technique of sculpting from polymer clay. Photo №1We will try to recreate a small souvenir,which you can give to your friends or please your loved ones. It is extremely easy to make such a souvenir. It is enough to use the special properties of polymer clay. A Christmas tree figurine in the form of a magnet is a great gift that can be made using the flexible properties of polymer clay. This will require baking conditions, that is, the presence of an oven in your home. Also, you need to buy a special polymer clay material and prepare tools for its processing. A gift or souvenir is a New Year's treeWe make the Christmas tree toy on the magnet with our own hands - the technique of sculpting from polymer clay. Photo # 2It is very easy to make such decoration, and the giftfor a loved one turns out to be unforgettable. The properties of polymer clay after baking will allow you to keep such a gift for many years. The specifics of creating such a toy requires a little knowledge in the field of polymer clay. However, you can involve your child specifically in order to teach him to work with polymer clay and teach him to give gifts to loved ones. Making such an ornament looks very simple, in addition, it can be used as an additional attribute of the holiday atmosphere in the house. What is required to make a Christmas tree with a magnet?

  • Prepare a polymer clay with different shades
  • Take a thread made of white cotton, also a string of iris
  • You will need artificial cilia
  • Prepare the magnet in a flat view
  • You will need a plastic knife
  • Take a toothpick and tweezers to process
  • Scissors required
  • For processing and fastening - super glue

Preparing the figureWe make the Christmas tree toy on the magnet with our own hands - the technique of sculpting from polymer clay. Picture №3First, you need to prepare the base of the figure,To do this, take green clay and roll a ball out of it, then flatten it so that you get a flat cake with a diameter of 3-5 centimeters. Next, using a plastic knife, you need to carefully cut off the side pieces with both sides so that you get a version of a figure similar to a triangle with a rounding along the bottom side. In this way, we will prepare the base of the Christmas tree. After that, using a wooden toothpick, we form a small hole in the lower part of the center, there we will form the legs to the body of our tree.We make the Christmas tree toy on the magnet with our own hands - the technique of sculpting from polymer clay. Photo №4Afterwards, using red polymer claycolors, we need to fix the cap in the style of Santa, using a toothpick we apply the necessary version of the picture, using tiny snowflakes, on the surface. After, we take a white piece of clay to form and fix the edging in the cap, as well as the pompom. After, it is necessary to put on the headdress for the Christmas tree. Making partsWe make the Christmas tree toy on the magnet with our own hands - the technique of sculpting from polymer clay. Photo №5Afterwards, you should make the eyes, as well as the nose andOf course, the lips for our tree in the form of a bow. After, we attach these elements to the main part. Thus, our Christmas tree will smile. After, using small pieces with multi-colored clays, we make a decoration for the Christmas tree. In this way, we also form eyelashes for the blank, attach them above the eyes. After, our Christmas tree will turn out cute and interesting. Using the blanks of two parts in the form of a drop, we form shoes for our future tree. They should be equal in length to one centimeter. It is necessary to make small holes using a toothpick. Next, we decorate both shoes with bows, which also need to be molded from a red needle. Next, you need to thread the ends of the thread in white through the holes. The threads will thus hold the blanks. Knots at the ends need to be formed. Next, the thread with the shoes needs to be threaded through the hole and tightened on the loop. You need to let the product cool, then, using the back side, attach the magnet. The blank is there!

