We make a summer costume for the baby. Photo-materials are free.
Hot summer days make you think about howit is worth dressing your child. To do this, you can use a variety of options, some of which will help get rid of this problem. Making a beautiful and at the same time comfortable summer suit for a child will not seem difficult. This will allow you to emphasize the necessary style and, nevertheless, dress the child according to the weather. For your attention - a special excursion into the creation of such a suit using sewing.You will need 1 meter of cotton fabric, 2 meterselastic bands and threads. In addition, you will need to use an overlock and a hidden foot for the seam. The tunic is created using fabric that reproduces two trapezoids and two rectangles, which are necessary for the straps of the suit. Then you need to add pockets, which must be processed using elastic tape, just like in the picture.
In order to sew threads usinginvisible layer, you will need to use an overlock or a hidden foot, thanks to which you will be able to display the desired appearance of the pockets of your tunic. After you have sewn on the tape, you need to stitch on the rim of the face fabric using a cover stitch machine with two-needle cover stitches, which can also be done using a sewing machine. The distance of the double needle should be between 3-4 millimeters. At the same time, stretch the fabric when reproducing the stitching.
Then, it is necessary to baste specialallowances, using seams of 5 millimeters in the pocket to make the wrong sides of the pockets. At the same time, it is desirable to cozy all this later. Marking of pockets is carried out with chalk or a special marker for fabric. Then, it is necessary to pin the pockets along the created markings in front of the tunic. Using the services of a cover stitch machine, sew the necessary element along the tunic and use a double needle for this process. Sewing must be done to one of the longest sides in a rectangle along the elastic band. At the same time, sewing in the structure do not forget to pull the assembly tape too much. In the process of sewing, it is also recommended to use the services of a hidden elastic band. Then, it is necessary to stitch the elements.
The elastic band also needs to be sewn ontop edge. Thus, you will be able to make a tunic for the summer season. This is a very comfortable and beautiful tunic that you can wear in any summer weather and enjoy the warm, summer breeze. In addition, the design of such a tunic can be very diverse and incredibly interesting, depending on your fabric preferences and desires.