A doll of cloth with his own hands, photo, ideas, master class, video / Toys with his hands, patterns, video, MK

A doll of cloth with his own hands, photo, ideas, master class, video / Toys with his hands, patterns, video, MK

Dolls made of cloth - an old style of needlework, inwhich breathed new life of the master from all over the world. The modern doll is bright, stylish, not boring. There are examples of sewing simple dolls and very realistic dolls. Today, figures are popular for simple patterns. Textile dolls made by oneself are, as a rule, not toys for small children, but for quite adult girls. At least, proceeding from the fact that these fragile pupae can tear or get dirty during the active treatment, and it is not recommended to wash them. After all, often textile toys are toned, flavored, and their face is covered with acrylic paints. And they are decorated with numerous accessories in the form of tiny flowers, buttons, brooches and other beautiful trifles. A textile doll will be an excellent gift or a unique decoration of any interior. Every beginner needlewoman who wants to create a textile doll with her own hands, it is important to choose your version among all the variety of existing types of these toys in accordance with their level of skill. Let's see what kind of textile dolls exist today.


RagdollThe model is simple and does not require sewing, it can betwist from multi-colored scraps in just a couple of minutes. If desired, you can also sew a smart sarafan for a Russian beauty, and a caftan and boots for her gentleman. The most ancient in Slavic and Russian culture are.They were assistants in various matters of ancient housewives. Cabbage placed on the window informed that the girl was ready for marriage, Rozhanitsa helped in childbirth. The well-being of the whole family depended on the special mood of the needlewoman during the making of such a rag doll with her own hands. The head of the amulet dolls has no eyes, mouth and nose. Ideally, they are made without scissors, the fabric is simply torn by hand.textile Obereg

Attic (primitives)

These primitive dolls have a certain aging and carelessness, as if they had been lying around in the attic for many years.very simple due to its fairly simple shapes.When sewing, the edges are not processed, the toy is given a rather shabby look due to tinting. At first glance, it seems that the doll is made of materials that first came to hand. However, this is far from true. Each detail of the toy with its deliberate shabby look is carefully thought out and carefully executed.textile attic primitive dollTheir appearance is diverse: from buttoned or patchwork eyes and an asymmetrical figure to a realistically acrylic face and elegant body shapes. Such diversity occurs because the author's doll flourishes precisely in this environment.

Tilda dollTilda doll

textile tilde-4A special case of a primitive doll. A poorly developed face, but very expressive hair and figure. The Internet is full of examples of how to sew a doll. This is a textile Barbie,a lot of roles and themed clothes. From a flower girl to a princess. Sewing it will bring you a lot of pleasure. It is best for beginners to start with these dolls.

Waldorf dollWaldorf doll

The peculiarity of this doll is that its bodyhas the correct proportions, inherent in an adult or a child, depending on the model. The limbs move at the base. You can't call this baby skinny. If you follow the technology for sewing such a toy, you will get a fairly realistic figurine. Inside her head is a tightly stuffed ball, pulled together with wire or thread according to a certain pattern, which allows you to give the face relief, in place of the nose - a bead. Knitted fabric of a flesh color is stretched on top. For gaming purposesvery comfortable.


The main difference of this toy is because of the head,consisting of five wedges, which is very similar to a small pumpkin. The place where the wedges connect is slightly extended forward and forms a neat nose. The doll's face, on which the eyes and mouth are painted with acrylic paints, provides ample scope for the master's imagination. Based onnumerous designer textile dolls are created. Below we offer you to get acquainted with the master class on creating a pumpkin head with your own hands.textile pumpkin


Main feature- large legs with reinforced feet and dotted eyes(although there are Snowballs with painted eyes). Due to their stable legs with a special shape and very dense padding, they can stand firmly on the surface.textile Sněžka Snezhka-3 textile Snezhka-3 textile


The ragheads came to us from Korea or Japan andhave a very graceful physique, small heads with a luxurious hairstyle, rich and complex outfits. The patterns of such a textile doll are quite simple, closed eyes are drawn on the face. All the skill of the author lies in creating a lush hairstyle and intricate clothing.tekstilnaya-tryapiensy

Author's textile dolls

Having learned how to make standard dolls, anyonethe master comes to the creation of his own unique textile doll. He remakes known patterns for his work, changes the shape of the toy's body and head, and looks for new options. This is how the author's textile doll comes into being.Author's textile dolls

Master-class on creating a pump top

For those needlewomen who are inspired by the idea of ​​making a textile doll with their own hands, we offer a master class on creating a pumpkin head Droplet-Aprelki. Master class on creating a pump top

A doll of cloth with their own hands

Author:Olga VoitovaWe suggest sewing a doll with your own hands based on the Waldorf doll. Our fat girl resembles it in appearance. Only the limbs will be attached with buttons, like traditional plush animals. This method is very popular now not only from the point of view of convenience, but also aesthetics: buttons on the shoulders and hips enhance the decorativeness of the image. We will embroider the face, like the Waldorfs, and borrow the convexity of the nose.kykla-iz-tkani-041To sew a doll, we need 2 kinds of matter: White or beige flannel and dense colored material. In our case, used jeans, more precisely, scraps of old jeans. Before the body we sew from the bleached part of the leg. The details of the pattern must be made symmetrical in color. The back is darker.First we cut out 2 front pieces, thenwe apply them to the fabric from which we sew the back, and pin them with sewing pins. We cut out the details and sew the side seams of the body bag. After that, we pin the front and back seams, sew with a continuous stitch. We stuff the body so that it is not too hard, but holds its shape well. Let's start sewing the limbs.Transfer the arm pattern to a folded flannel, pin the pieces together, cut out. Sew on the machine so that an unstitched opening remains on the inner fold of the handle for turning and stuffing. When the pieces are stuffed, sew up this opening with a blind stitch. Do the same with the doll's legs. Leave an opening on the lower part of the thigh. Do not stuff the arms and legs too tightly, the doll should remain soft - pleasant to the touch. Everything should be elastic, bend, and not break or swell into bumps. Transfer the folded head pattern to the flannel, pin, cut out. Attach the neck of the doll's body to the lower edge of the head, put 2 marks with a pencil, indicating its width. Sewing the head part is done without going beyond these marks, slightly tightening the threads to make it easier to give the head the shape of a ball. Turn the part inside out and stuff it very tightly. To mark the nose, make it convex, tear off a piece of padding polyester, make 3 tight knots on it and push it under the fabric, in place of the nose. Embroider the eyes with black threads and sew the head to the body by hand.cloth dollBefore attaching your hands, we will make of lace andbraid small ruffles in place of the armhole of our non-removable denim body. We measure out 10 cm finishes, sew on a machine, prisborivaem, pulling the thread from two ends. Manually sew the lace to the inside of the hand. We attach the same lace to the neck. To attach the limbs to the body, we need: 4 buttons, a long needle (so that it can be passed through the trunk from the shoulder to the shoulder) and the thread in the 4-fold. Nodules need to be located under the arm and from the inside of the thigh. The thread is slightly tightened, so that the arms and legs do not sag, but the body is not deformed. The bollocks of our bbw are stitches and brushes made of bright threads. We added bright buttons and a skirt from the ribbon. You can sew a doll sarafan, take it, shoe. You can sew a doll in one evening from materials that are already at home, having bought only flannel and stuffing. Perhaps you want to make more realistic hair, this is also worth thinking about beforehand.

Master class from Polina Inyakina

kukla-iz-tkani-201To make such a doll from fabric with a painted face, you will need accuracy and care, especially when sewing on clothes:cloth dollPrint out the patterns of the doll (click to enlarge):

Selection of patterns of textile dolls

Video lessons

