Doll pumpkin master class, patterns without a seam on the face / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK
Pumpkinhead dolls got their catchy namethanks to the unusual shape of the head, reminiscent of a pumpkin. Their history began in 1918, when the first pumpkin-head doll named Raggedy Ann was sewn by John Barton Gruelle for his little daughter.A cute and cheerful pumpkin head can be easilysew it yourself, having familiarized yourself with a simple step-by-step master class from Elena Kogan – a famous domestic needlewoman. Sewing a pumpkin head will not take much time, such a textile doll will decorate a children's room or living room, and will definitely bring a summer mood to your home.
The first master class from Elena Kogan is dedicated to thethe distinctive feature of these cute dolls is their head resembling a pumpkin. It should consist of several separate details-petals, which are sewn together. To make a head, you will need a simple pattern, a piece of fabric, solid or white, a filler and a set of threads with a needle. Draw a small petal on the paper, and cut it out along the contour, this pattern is useful for making a head. There should be at least four such details, only then you can recreate the famous pumpkin shape.
Elena Kogan advises using six to eightwedges for making a doll's head, so you can create a more flexible shape and give the face soft outlines. Transfer the contours from the pattern to the fabric, stepping back a couple of millimeters from the edge. The parts must be sewn so that the front side is inside the pumpkin, and there is a seam in the middle of the doll's face. Leave a small opening so that the part can be turned inside out later. Fill this bag with padding polyester or holofiber, and then you should carefully sew the hole with a blind stitch. After sewing the head, you can proceed to the master class on making a face.
You can do it yourself on a doll's facepaint eyes and a mouth, or embroider them with bright floss. Your pumpkin-head dolls can be mischievous and dreamy, thoughtful and cheerful – it all depends on what emotion you paint on their faces.
Hair Making Master Class Will Help YouDecorate the textile beauty with an unusual hairstyle or simply modest braids. To make realistic and beautiful hair, use knitting threads or wool for felting. Following the advice of Elena Kogan, you should use only natural materials if this is a toy for a child. Synthetics can provoke allergic reactions, so all fabrics for the doll should be natural.So that your pumpheads could boastluxurious curls, you should determine in advance the hairdo. With your own hands, it's easiest to make a pair of braids from knitting threads, and give them an interesting shape with the help of a wire. If you want your ragged beauty to have loose curls, use wool for felting. Wool must be driven into the head-pumpkin with a special needle, and in the same way make whole strands. The master class should be completed, giving the hair a gloss, for this it is necessary to use a bow or a beautiful headpiece.
When making a pumpkin head, you need totake care of a reliable body. Elena Kogan's detailed master class will help even beginners sew the body with their own hands. Sewing the body will take no more than half an hour, and to make it you will only need filler and a piece of light fabric.Prepare patterns for the body, arms and legsdolls. After transferring it to the fabric, you should cut out the details, stepping back a few millimeters from the outline. The fabric should be stitched so that the front side remains inside. Through the hole left, you should turn the workpiece inside out and fill it with padding polyester. A textile doll should have a dense base, so the details should be stuffed as tightly as possible. The hole should be carefully hand-sewn with an invisible blind stitch. After stuffing each detail separately, you need to baste the arms, legs and head to the body, and then you can start the master class on sewing clothes.
To give the pumpkin head a decorative look, you shouldsew her a nice, bright dress. The clothes can be removable or sewn directly onto the body. If you are sewing a decorative doll, you can sew a dress with an apron, and for play dolls it is better to leave the possibility of changing outfits.Sewing a simple cotton dress won't take much timea lot of time, if you choose the right pattern. All the details are cut out and stitched in the same way as the details for the body. Calculate the size based on the proportions of your doll. The outfit can be decorated with lace or applique.