Even a child can draw a pencil of a beautiful giraffe in a pencil, following our instructions

Even a child can draw a pencil of a beautiful giraffe in a pencil, following our instructions

Step by step drawing the giraffe with a pencil, at firstlook, it seems far from an easy task, but it is not. Anyone can learn this. If you think that drawing is not your hobby, then you are deeply mistaken. Naturally, not everyone can create a true masterpiece. But, after you get to master the technique of stage-by-stage drawing, very soon you can easily draw your favorite cartoon character, plant or animal. In the future, with the help of step-by-step tips provided below, you can draw even the most complex figures. Also, they can make their own adjustments, then, your drawings will look even more interesting. I want to note that it's never too late to learn to draw. That is, you are an adult or a child - it does not matter. To begin with, everyone can boast of a special talent. If the parents have noticed and are helping to develop it in time, then, by doing so, they are doing a great service and help to their children. No wonder many experts advise to instill love for this kind of art from childhood. After all, this kind of activity is capable to develop imagination, mental abilities, fine motor skills of the hands, favorable perception of the world, as the child will begin to pay attention to the smallest details that surround it. Today we offer you a gradual drawing with a pencil giraffe. Step by step drawing the giraffe in pencil. Photo №1 How to draw a giraffe step by step? For work you will need: a sheet of paper; pencil; eraser, if you need to fix something; own time and desire. The initial contours of the future drawing. First you need to draw three circles. The first two will be guidelines for the next drawing of the trunk, the third - the head. Then they are connected by straight lines. The contours of the feet. Now it is necessary to draw the contours of the legs. To do this, you need to use lines and circles, that is, small circles. Only in the case of hooves, you need to draw small squares. Step by step drawing the giraffe in pencil. Photo # 2 The torso of a giraffe. Drawing the torso, you need to circle all the drawn outlines, as shown in the picture, in order to get a shape similar to the original giraffe pattern that we saw at the beginning of this article. The lines that will be needed should be drawn neatly, without too much pressing the pencil on the paper, as they are approximate. I draw your attention that as a result, the legs of the future animal must be thin and long enough, and the neck, on the contrary, is thick, long and slightly rough. Step by step drawing the giraffe in pencil. Picture №3 Delete unnecessary contours. This drawing stage is very simple. Just need to remove unnecessary lines. After the done manipulations, you will see that the drawing is almost ready. It is necessary to finish the tail of the animal and, naturally, the head. Step by step drawing the giraffe in pencil. Photo №4 We finish the giraffe's head. A giraffe has a small crest that needs to be drawn. Only attention on it is absolutely not desirable to emphasize. Also, he has small horns that resemble the ears of an alien creature, and on the tail, as is known, there is a fur that looks like a neat brush. Step by step drawing the giraffe in pencil. Photo №5 Characteristic color (spotted). Now it's a small thing. Spotted coloring is not difficult at all. You just need to draw specks of different shapes and sizes on a white background, which will look very original and unusual. Step by step drawing the giraffe in pencil. Photo №6 If desired, you can make a drawing in any color scheme. Whether it's a black and white drawing or drawing, close to real giraffe colors, it will look, in any case, very beautiful!

