Easter bunny in tilde style, detailed master-class / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

Easter bunny in tilde style, detailed master-class / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

Author: Splintering Not far off is the main Christian holiday, bright and joyful, the feast of Easter. And as you know, on this day it is customary to give gifts to your relatives and friends. And besides traditional colored eggs and Easter cakes, recently the characters that came to us from Scandinavia are gaining increasing popularity. The Easter bunny rabbit, bringing eggs to the house, the good witch-bird, the chicken, the goose - any of them will be an excellent textile decoration for holiday. Moreover, all these tildes can be sewn by hand, which we will tell you in the next master classes. And begin, perhaps, with how to make the Easter hare. easter bunny tilde

We prepare materials

For sewing an Easter hare in the style of a tilde we will need the following materials:

  • cuts of pastel tones;
  • synthetic filler (holofayber);
  • Thread of a moulin;
  • black acrylic paint, rouge;
  • buttons, thread.

Operating procedure

  • Pattern increase to the desired size andtransfer to the fabric for the substrate (preferably flax), folded into two leaves. For the ears we take two different cloth flaps of color and apply one on the other. That the fabric at tailoring did not leave, we puncture with pins.
  • All the details are sewed along the contour, except for the seats,marked on the pattern dotted. We cut out the blanks, retreating a few mm from the edge. All parts are inverted (for small parts you will need a bamboo stick or pencil) and iron. Further, all the blanks, except for the ears, are stuffed with holofeyber.
  • If it is supposed that the hare will be "sedentary"Legs in the middle are stitched with small stitches. We put our legs in the trunk, adjust it by length and pin it. Then we sew it to the body with a hidden seam. Similarly we do with hands.
  • We pass to the clothes. We transfer the pattern of panties to the fabric and cut out. The edges are tucked and stitched, decorated with embroidery. Two pants are sewn first along the front and back seams, and then, unfolding the workpiece, on the inside.
  • We turn out panties and sew to the trunk, withneed slightly by attaching them to the waist. Depending on who will be you hare or rabbit, we sew overalls or sarafan. Consider the option of sewing a sarafan.
  • In the journal Tilda, unfortunately, patterns forsarafan is not provided, so we will improvise. Cut the rectangle of the correct size and process the edges. Bib and sutures sewn to the skirt (do not forget to sew on the buttons).
  • Make two small creases on the skirt, on each side of the breastplate. Then we sew the skirt along the side seam. We put on a sundress on the hare. At the back we make two more folds on the skirt and sew the back straps.
  • We proceed to the design of the upper part. We fold our ears in the middle and sew them to the head. Draw the hare of the eye-point and blush the cheeks. We embroider a nose with threads of a mulina.
  • On the cloth for panama, folded twice, we transferpattern and stitch. We cut out the workpiece, turn it out and iron it. Then we insert one part (with a hole for eversion) inside the other. The edges of the panama embroider and bend, fixing on the sides.
  • easter bunny tilde Easter Bunny with his own hands is ready. Success in creative work.

