Easily and quickly we make flowers from satin ribbons with our own hands together

Easily and quickly we make flowers from satin ribbons with our own hands together

Flowers from satin ribbons are always beautiful andexquisitely. Many people choose this kind of needlework to create compositions from flowers, because it's charming! Flowers from satin ribbons can be used, both for bouquets, especially for wedding bouquets, and for creating accessories. In general, it is possible to decorate anything with such wonderful colors. How to make flowers from the atlas with your own hands. Photo №1 Usually, to create colors from satin ribbon, two methods are used: fixing the tape with threads and fixing the flower elements with the help of melting ribbons, i.e. burning candles. To create such a beautiful rim for the hair,you only need: ribbons, artificial plastic stamens for flowers and elastic. Auxiliary tools for creativity are tweezers, scissors, thread with a needle and a candle. How to make a hair ornament from satin flowers. 1. First of all, you need to make petals for future colors. Cut the squares from the satin ribbons, 3 cm thick. Take the two contrasting colors of the ribbons. Fold the pieces of ribbon with a triangle and fix with tweezers. 2. Wrap the edges of both pieces inward and lock. 3. Roll again. 4. Secure the tip by melting it over the candle. It takes just one second. 5. Make 5 of these petals. 6. Fasten them by threading. 7. Glue in the middle plastic stamens and tighten the thread, collecting a flower. 8. Glue several flowers (the same or different) on the hair band. The bezel is ready! In order to make beautiful flowers fromatlas does not require special skills or the ability to sew, to tinker. All that is needed is assiduity, attention and desire. Creating such small items and picking them up in a finished product is practically a matter of jewelry. Practice a couple of times so that you develop a skill, and your hands are accustomed to creating such miniature and fragile things. How to make a flower with sharp petals. 1. Cut the squares from the tape, 3 cm thick. Take 2 different colors or 2 colors of the same scale. Fold the squares in half diagonally and fix the edge with a candle. 2. Make thus many triangles of 2 colors. Fix the 2 multicolored triangles and merge together. 3. Fold the triangles with a tube and turn the other end of the triangle back, forming a sharp edge. 4. Connect the tip to the other end and dip the candles. Repeat the same several times and collect the petals in the flower. You can paste such flowers on hair clips, combine them with lace, leaves, crystals and beads. Do as you are told by your imagination, and enjoy it!

