Easily we make a house for children from cardboard with our own hands. With the help of everyday material we do for free our unique space fortress

Easily we make a house for children from cardboard with our own hands. With the help of everyday material we do for free our unique space fortress

Who among us as a child was not carried away on the wings of dreamsin far-away fantastic lands. We imagined ourselves to be noble knights in magnificent castles, brave travelers in remote cosmic colonies, beautiful princesses in elegant palaces. And in each such amazing children's game necessarily figured, some special place, which was the main field for unbridled childish fantasy. Now we have grown up and now our children have picked up the dreams left in the far corners and are eager for their adventures in their games. So let's help them on this fascinating journey. Moreover, it is very easy to do this by building a house for children from cardboard. You can do this completely for free with your own hands. Such a design will not only give childishness originality, but it will also provide the child with his own corner, which is also very useful, especially in urban conditions, where in small apartments there are practically no places for seclusion.

To make a house for children from cardboard you will need:

  • Conventional cardboard boxes or just sheets of cardboard
  • Pencil or pen
  • Ruler
  • Cutter
  • PVA glue
  • Hot glue
  • Acrylic paints
  • Primer
  • Small Brushes
  • Napkins
  • And, of course, a positive attitude, fantasy anda little spatial thinking. To begin with, we mark out and cut out the details on the cardboard. It will be squares and triangles. In total, to create a house you will need about 30 triangles (you will later connect them to convex pentagons), as well as 10 squares with side parameters of 30 cm. In addition, cut out 10 triangles with the same dimensions. photoinstruction on creation of a small house for children from a cardboard. Photo №1 In order not to measure the next detail every time, just make one sample and use it as a stencil. On the sample, be sure to put the place of gluing together the details - about 2.5 cm Next, use the ruler to mark and bend the allowances. Next, glue together all the details as shown in the photos below. The next step is to make additional strips to strengthen the structure. Next, go to the priming and painting. Primers are essential to ensure that the design of our house for children from cardboard is more stable and durable. It is best to use a primer-spray. Be sure to progrumte and paint the construction only from the outside inside there must be only environmentally friendly cardboard. When the primer is finished, proceed to thepainting. Since our little house has a slightly futuristic shape, the most logical thing is to paint it in the colors of an unearthly spaceship or station. For the base, silver color is perfect. Then paint with paint metal edges and corners. Joints and details of fastening are best painted with acrylic paints, so they will look even more impressive. The last step, draw on your house forchildren of cardboard metal rivets. They can be easily made by mixing silver metallic powder with conventional PVA glue. The resulting mass is applied with a wooden stick before wrapping it with a napkin, on the planned places of rivets. To give even more realism, rivet the rivets with a small brush with acrylic black paint. Wait until the construction dries ... And now your little house is a starship for children from ordinary cardboard is ready, you can safely call the dying in anticipation of the household. Thus, in just a few hours youmade for their kid a unique place for games. Such a gift will be relevant for the child both in 2014 and in the future. He will happily spend a lot of time there and you will not even have time to blink, as all your favorite toys of your baby will be moved to a new house for children from cardboard. In addition, this design does not take much space even in the smallest apartment and will perfectly fit into the interior. So do not be afraid to create for your child such an original spaceship and enjoy his genuine enthusiasm and gratitude.

