Elastomeric thread: selection of materials for beading (photo)

Elastomeric thread: selection of materials for beading (photo)


Beading is one of the most popularhandicrafts today. And all because even schoolgirls can master it. What can we say about adults! But the beads and beads themselves do not hold. They are strung on threads, fishing line and wire. Each of these materials has its pros and cons. Knowing them, you can easily choose the appropriate option for each job. Recently, elastomeric thread has become increasingly popular. But what are its advantages over others? When is it best to use it and when not?

Elastomeric thread

First, let's figure out what it ismaterial. The first elastomeric thread was synthesized back in 1958 in the United States. 4 years later it was received in Europe, and then in Japan. It is made on the basis of polyurethane rubbers using various technologies. Today, elastic thread (this is its other name) is used everywhere under various brands. The most famous of them are spandex, lycra, elastane and others.
But what makes her so popular?First of all, unique properties. It is quite durable and stretches well. In addition, spandex can be dyed in various colors. The mid-70s saw the peak of popularity of fabrics woven from elastomeric threads. And all thanks to rock musicians who began to appear on stage in tight suits and leggings. Following them, ordinary people began to wear them in everyday life. Today, synthetic fabrics, including spandex, have lost their former popularity.

Application of an elastomeric thread in beadwork

The elastomeric yarn is still produced inLarge volumes, since it has a mass of other applications. One of them is weaving with beads. Although, strictly speaking, it is rarely used in this capacity. Basically, spandex is used for weaving various ornaments from large and medium beads. This, first of all, bracelets and necklaces without fastening. Thanks to the elasticity and strength of this thread, they are not only easy to remove and wear, but they are also durable.

Usually, beginning needlewomen preferpurchase ready-made beading kits, which already include everything you need. True, they usually do not include an elastic thread. But it's not scary. It is easy to purchase at craft stores. Bobbins are usually available for sale in sizes of 18 and 100 m. The thickness of the thread is 1 mm. But the color range is so wide that you can match spandex to almost any beads. In this case, the manufacturer's brand does not play a special role. The Russian elastic thread of the Gamma brand is popular among needlewomen.
Silicone thread has similar properties.Therefore, the scope of application of both materials is the same. They differ only in the source material for production and, of course, in price. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about it separately. Moreover, with similar qualities, silicone thread is much more expensive. It is for this reason that it is very rarely included in a bead weaving kit.

Other materials for beadwork

Although the elastic thread has a lotadvantages over other similar materials, its widespread use in beading is impossible. This is mainly due to thickness and excessive “ductility”, which in some cases turns from an advantage into a disadvantage. Therefore, in beading, thin wire is more often used to make three-dimensional figures than spandex. Jewelry, such as brooches and earrings, is also created using fishing line and thread.
But only after learning how to choose them correctly,In each case, you can create small masterpieces with your own hands. For beginner needlewomen, to simplify their task, it is easier to buy a ready-made beading kit. Even if it does not include wire or fishing line, the description will already indicate all recommendations for selection. Those who decide to choose them themselves should listen to the advice of more experienced needlewomen.

How to choose a wire

To facilitate your choice of material, it is importantUnderstand for making what will be used wire for beadwork. Most often it is taken to further weave three-dimensional or flat figures, trees, flowers, less often ornaments and other articles made of beads. You can even buy a whole wire set for beadwork, where there will already be several different kinds of this material.

Due to the fact that the wire, on the one hand,It easily takes the desired shape, and on the other hand, it holds it well, it is simply ideal for weaving three-dimensional figures, flowers and trees from beads. True, it also has one significant drawback. Since the beading wire is usually very thin, it can break easily. Therefore, it is recommended not to bend it again during needlework and take exactly as much as indicated in the master class or instructions that are included in any creativity kit.

Beaded branch on wire 0.2 mmWirefor beading it is used in different thicknesses - from 0.2 to 1 mm. The thinnest of all (0.2 mm) is usually used for making beaded jewelry and trees. So, with its use it is easy to create bending branches of willow, birch and some others. It turns out very realistic, like in a photo of wildlife. If it is necessary for the tree to keep its shape well, thicker wire is used - 0.3 and 0.6 mm thick. It is also used for bead weaving of animals, toys and flowers. And the thickest wire (thickness - 1 mm) is usually used to strengthen tree trunks or flower stems. True, the latter is rarely included in a bead weaving kit.
Many experienced needlewomen take the wire “toeye" or check how suitable it is as follows: fold the existing wire 6 times. If it easily passes through the bead, it is taken for weaving. For those who are just taking their first steps, it is easier to purchase a ready-made bead weaving kit, which will already have everything you need.
In addition to different thicknesses of wire forBeadwork also varies in colors, length in spools and source material. So, if an iron-based alloy was used for its manufacture, then it will be more rigid, which means it will hold its shape better. Typically, such wire has no shine and is attracted to a magnet. But the one made on the basis of alloys of non-ferrous metals (copper, aluminum, etc.), on the contrary, shines well, is softer and bends well. Knowing these properties of wire, it is easy to select it for making beaded trinkets, even if it is not included in the beading kit, and the instructions are lost.

I would like to note that when purchasing reelsYou should always take it with a reserve. As practice shows, the wire for beading in them is somewhat shorter than indicated on the packaging. So, in a reel with a specified length of 50 m, in reality there may be 49, or even 48! Moreover, the longer it is, the larger the error will be (for some reason it’s always on the smaller side). But in a beading kit, on the contrary, you always put extra wire in it.
And finally, I would like to note one morethe trick of experienced needlewomen. To save money, they purchase wire for beading not in specialized stores, but in construction stores. True, you need to have some skill in working with it so that you can determine the thickness by touch or by eye. Surprisingly, it is no different from the one included in the beading kit.

Application of the line and thread

Threads and fishing line for beadwork are just as important,As spandex and wire. Although their use is very limited due to their intrinsic properties. Usually both that and another use for manufacturing of costume jewelery and an insertion of beaded toys. But what is the difference between things made with thread and line? Why do different sets for beadwork include one material, then another?

Airy necklace made of beads on a fishing lineready-made three-dimensional beaded figures are made so that they keep their shape. It is very important here that the threads or fishing line for the beads are practically invisible. In addition, the structure must be durable. Therefore, they often prefer to stitch with transparent fishing line. Nylon colored threads are used much less frequently for beading. The manufacturer includes only fishing line in the creativity kit.
For costume jewelry that is often worn, it is usually alsoIt is recommended to use fishing line. This material is more wear-resistant, which means that such decoration is unlikely to tear easily. Typically, fishing line is recommended in the same way as spandex for making bracelets, necklaces and earrings. It, like an elastic thread, has a large margin of safety and can be used for weaving without a needle.
But for brooches and hairpins it can be the sameuse any of the above materials. It rather depends on the preferences of the needlewoman herself and the weaving technique used. Therefore, manufacturers often put only the beads themselves, a needle and some other accessories into such beading kits.

Beading kit For those who onlyIf you discover this type of needlework, it is better to purchase a ready-made beading kit. As a rule, it already has everything you need. If you liked the photo of the work, you can and should use the recommendations from the master class, as well as the sellers in the store. No matter how good the material is, if it is not suitable for this product, it is unlikely that it will turn out as in the photo.
Experienced needlewomen always have in stockdifferent materials (wire, fishing line, spandex, and so on) and try what is best to weave the conceived thing from. Only after this they buy, if necessary, what they liked in the case. They, of course, no longer need to buy a ready-made beading kit. Only if he just liked it.

Video: Wire and bead for beadwork

