Embroider drawings with beads correctly. How to do it for free.
For those who want to learn how to embroider with beadsbeautiful drawings, it is worth studying the necessary aspects and lessons, which will subsequently help in obtaining the necessary knowledge. To begin work, it is recommended to stretch the fabric with the applied drawings on wooden frames, using special buttons or fasteners. You can also use a rectangular hoop. If the hoop is too large, then the canvas can be "built up" using basting along the edges of an additional strip in the form of fabric.Most of all, it is comfortable to embroider designs fortable. To do this, you need to lay a light-colored material on the work area. If the beads fall off the needle, they will not hit the table. Therefore, you will not need to crawl under the table in search of your own bead harvest. It is important to have a bright light that will compensate for the painstaking work with beads in an uncomfortable ratio with a pleasant light emission. Also, beads must be poured in small quantities on the fabric, and then used for work in a saucer, a plastic menage. A regular matchbox may also be suitable. In this case, a matchbox is convenient, since it is very easy to close it if you decide to put off work. For embroidery, you should use a nylon thread or a cotton thread in medium thicknesses. You need to sew in one thread. For embroidery where light fabric is used, beige, white or light gray threads are ideal, and for dark fabric or bead embroidery with one color, it is necessary to select threads in the same tone. Coloring for colored threads may not be durable, so it is worth checking this before starting the work itself.
In gold beads it is best to use gray onesor silver threads. Also, to prevent the thread from getting tangled during the work, it is worth waxing it, but do not overuse this process, because the wax can stain your fabric. A very long thread will twist and fray. When fastening the thread to the fabric, it is necessary to avoid rough knots. Also, when starting to use a seam, it is necessary to make a knot on the threads, with which you will sew the fabric inside out to the front side, and then - fasten the thread with a small reverse stitch, so that the knot does not jump out to the front side. For beads, thin and long needles are most often used. Needles of type number 12 or 10 are suitable. Also, often kits can be equipped with a needle number 11, which is a universal and average option with this choice. If the threading process is very difficult, you need to take a needle with a fairly long slot, where a more convenient eye will be used in the middle.
Eventually, you will be able to learn to work with yourelements of creativity to create very unique and beautiful paintings with beads, using only the skills of your own hands. If you want to master completely new and unique possibilities, this approach will be able to open up new solutions and make your task easier.