Beadwork Rooms' complete sets of machinery and circular
- Features Rooms' complete equipment
- What is included in a set of "Rooms 'complete'
- Painting Rooms' complete by swans
- Video: Learning circular embroidery with beads
- Examples of schemes for full stitching
- Pretty ancient handicrafts. For centuries, it then goes out of fashion, it became popular again. Even our grandmothers embroidered beads religious images. Modern needlewoman increasingly prefer to decorate with beads ready circuit patterns. These products fit perfectly into any home interior, creating an atmosphere of comfort and refinement, emphasizing skills mistress.
Unlike the needlewomen of older generations,In addition to independently inventing images for embroidery and personally selecting the appropriate materials, today's craftswomen quite successfully use ready-made kits for such work, full stitching. These kits greatly simplify the work of the needlewoman. After all, in this case, you do not need to select patterns, beads, fabric, thread. Everything is already in the kit. You just need to buy a kit, select a pattern, and you can start working. For beginner embroiderers, for the first time, it is better to buy kits with a small pattern, and before starting work, you should carefully read the instructions.
Features Rooms' complete equipment
This method is used in embroidery paintings when it is necessary to work to sew up completely, very often it is used in the creation of
. That is, not only the figures of the image, but also the background.Mostly, full stitching is done in a circle. The work starts from the central point of the pattern and the entire canvas is filled in a circle. The method of sewing beads can be chosen at your discretion. But the most common stitches are "line" or "stem". Sometimes, instead of threads, a thin fishing line treated with wax is used for work. The needle used is the same as for regular work with beads. Full stitching with beads makes the picture voluminous and multifaceted.
Circular embroidery
Stem suture
Running stitch
What is included in a set of "Rooms 'complete'
The kits manufacturers place:
- material with a printed image and scheme;
- Beads (mostly Czech);
- beads, rhinestones (if they are necessary for the product);
- needle;
- a thread.
Basis for embroidery pattern made ofhigh dense material. Mostly it is a satin gabardine. On the front side of the circuit applied to the corresponding colored drawing with markers. Wrong side of fabric embroidery strengthens interlining.
Also, such sets are provided with one or two needles. They have the appropriate sizes, allowing them to pass through the bead without problems.
The number of beads in the set exactly matchesnumber of values of the scheme. Their color range has all the necessary shades. The kits with full beading include Chinese, Czech or Japanese material. When choosing such a kit, it is better to stop at the last two. Since Chinese beads are not of special quality. As a rule, the beads of this manufacturer are of different shapes, and their color leaves marks not only on the hands, but also on the material. Although, embroidery kits with Chinese elements are much cheaper than with Czech or Japanese ones.
Painting Rooms' complete by swans
We offer a small embroidery workshop
by the method of full stitching, using the circular technique. This embroidery is beautiful in itself. It can also be an amazing gift for loved ones.
The "Swans at Sunset" set includes:
- base with a pattern;
- Beads nineteen shades;
- needle;
- instructions.
The process of making a painting
It is better to use a hoop for this work.
First you need to find the middle of the diagram.Since we are going to embroider using the circular method, we need to start from the central point. We will gradually move in a spiral to the edges of the pattern. Of course, circular embroidery takes more time, especially for beginners. But full stitching in this case will look especially beautiful.
The embroidery material is placed on one half of the hoop so that the center of the base is in the middle. Fix it with the other half of the tool and tighten the screw well.
It's better to do work at a table.Having previously spread the fabric on it. This will allow you not to lose an accidentally dropped bead. And it is much more convenient to embroider this way. Often, experts recommend using a thread for circular embroidery that matches the color of the beads or waxing it. As for the first statement, ordinary white thread for bead embroidery will do just fine. It is completely invisible on the finished product. Regarding wax, I can say that this is also not necessary. Since the thread moves very well without it. And if you have never waxed the thread, you can overdo the process, and as a result, the embroidery will be pretty dirty.
It is also important to correctly calculate the slope of the beads. Before you start working, analyze how the finished canvas will look so that the pattern turns out with beautifully twisted spirals.
Next, we pass the needle and thread through the corner of the central square. Which one exactly depends on the chosen tilt for the beads.
A bead of the appropriate size is put on the needlecolors and stretches to the opposite corner. If you do not want to make a knot, then to secure the thread, you need to sew the first bead two or three times. The same should be done with the last element of the work. Then there will be no knots or tails on the back side.
There are two types that are better suited for circular embroidery.stitches: "line" and "stem". For the "line" stitch, after securing the first bead, you need to bring the needle to the front side in the corner so that it is between the first and second elements. Put on a bead of the corresponding shade and bring the needle to the back side of the embroidery, in front of the first bead. And again bring the thread to the front side, but before the second and third elements. Put on the bead again and bring the needle between the second and first beads.
more dense. Its special feature is that the bead is sewn twice. Once consolidated the thread on the needle, wear beads and enter and display element for sewn. string followed by a re-threaded through the same bead and put on the next item. Withdraw the needle after the last bead and inserted between the first and second. Threading through the second element and the third strung. Again, we derive the inside out after the last bead and pull between the second and third.
Embroider the whole picture with beads using the circular methodwill work for an obvious reason. We will work on the corners of the embroidery using a slightly different method. The stitch that is best used in this case is called "arched". It is used when it is necessary to emphasize the softness and smoothness of the embroidery lines. The peculiarity of this embroidery is the simultaneous use of several beads at once, but only one is attached. That is, after the thread is secured, two to four beads must be put on it. The needle is brought out to the back of the embroidery, behind the last element. It is returned to the front between the penultimate and last bead. The thread must be passed through the last element again.
Thus, the entire picture is sewn in a spiral, each time stringing a bead of the color that corresponds to the value of the pattern.
The finished embroidery can be given to the workshop so thatframed in a beautiful frame. Pictures made in the circular technique are distinguished by a special shine and iridescence. Such a creation is pleasant even to the touch. Complete beading kits can be purchased not only at specialized points of sale, a large selection of such kits is provided in online stores. Such patterns will not only allow you to forget about additional troubles, but will also become an excellent assistant in the implementation of the most interesting creative ideas. And, most importantly, complete beading kits are always a 100% result even for novice needlewomen.
Video: Learning circular embroidery with beads