Bead embroidery on leather, brooch “Kitten” from beads, detailed master class with diagrams, photos, for beginners
Master class on bead embroidery on leather: learning to make a brooch “Kitten” To embroider a brooch like the one in the illustration with beads, you don’t need to have any super powers.It is enough to carefully study this master class and stock up on certain materials and tools:
- two pieces of black leather or a substitute;
- non-woven fabric;
- needle for beads;
- beads No. 12 black and white, No. 10 - red;
- black thread 33LL;
- The basis for the brooch is 3 centimeters long.
First you need to draw a cat on paper andcut out its figure. Then we put it on the previously prepared leather and trace it with a pencil or pen. Now we fix the cat with a thread, for which we make a row of stitches. Such fixation of the cat is necessary for a clear drawing of the outline. Gradually making a brooch from beads, the outlines will need to be redone, due to the fact that they gradually wear off.We draw the cat’s eyes, ears and paws on the skin.After that, take a beading needle and insert itthread into it, while there is no need to tie a knot on it. We pierce the leather with a needle along the contour from the inside and bring the thread with the needle to the front, we string beads on it. Now we pierce the inside, just take into account the length of the beads, which should be very tightly connected to the piece of leather.Our needle is now on the wrong side, so now we pierce it back to the front, slightly retreating from the fixed beads.We string another black bead onto the needle andwe pass the needle from right to left into the sewn-on bead itself. Then, without making any indentations, we need to pierce the needle from the front to the back behind the first bead. Again we stick the needle from the back to the front and bring it out to the right of the bead sewn on second. The distance between the needle and the bead should be equal to the length of the bead. We string another black bead on the needle and lead the needle into the bead sewn on second, from right to left.Now the needle is positioned on the face side.We pierce the needle between the beads. In the same way as the first beads were sewn on, we sew all the rest along a certain contour. Then the thread is passed through the sewn beads along the line of the future product. Slightly below the contour of our pet's muzzle, we sew on a red bead, forming a kind of collar. The preliminary result can be seen in the illustration:We embroider the ears in the same way, but we usethese are white beads. We proceed to embroidering the eyes, paws and nose of our brooch. Using two black beads, form the pupils (1 per eye). For the nose, take one red bead. After you have embroidered the outline of the brooch, including the ears, paws, collar, nose and eyes, you can proceed to filling the inside of the cat's body. To do this, sew on the black beads as tightly as for the previous parts. They are sewn on separately and so that the skin is not visible. They are sewn on in any order, and there is no need to pass the needle through the previous bead. The outlines of the ears and head of our brooch are filled in the same way. Next, very carefully cut along the outline.brooch, trying not to touch the threads. While sewing beads on the cat's head, you can bring a thread to the face, from which you then get whiskers. It is preferable to do them at the very end, when the brooch is almost ready.Let's start gluing the brooch.To do this, turn it inside out and coat all the threads with glue. This is done to better secure the threads, which should not unravel. Apply very little glue so that it does not get to the front side and spoil the look of the brooch. Now move on to forming the base of the brooch and securing it. Place the brooch on a piece of interlining and outline the head. Draw another ellipse inside the resulting ellipse, but step back from the previous one by 1.5-2 mm.We apply the base of the fastener to the smaller ellipseand mark its position. Then we apply it to the skin and mark the location of the ends. We carefully make two holes so that this piece can be put on a pin.Sew the base onto the interlining, using the illustration below as a guide, and cut out along the side of the smaller ellipse.After this, the interlining is glued to the brooch.This is best done with quick-drying glue, such as Moment. The back of the brooch is coated with glue and the interlining is pressed to it. The glue should set instantly. After the glue has dried, the back of the brooch is coated again and the second piece of interlining with marked holes is pulled over the unfastened pin. Let the glue dry well. The following illustration shows the front side of the brooch. Next, carefully cut out the brooch and coat the edges of the two layers of leather with PVA glue. It is easiest to do this with a wooden toothpick. After drying, the glue will be transparent and invisible, the edges of the leather will harden.Finally, you can take care of the cat's whiskers, for whichwe left the threads in advance. We string 5 black beads on each thread and pass the needle back through the 4 threaded beads. We make the rest of the whiskers in the same way.We fix the thread in the beads and admire the finished product!