Embroidery of maki with ribbons in master classes (photo)
Embroidery allows you to create amazing and unique
, which can not only transform yourapartment, but also become a great gift for your loved ones. Many beginning needlewomen choose this type of embroidery, since it is quite simple, does not take much time and does not require any special expenses.
How to embroider red poppies with ribbons
Before starting our master class, let's prepare all the materials and tools necessary for work:
- needles;
- scissors;
- Lighter or matches;
- sintepon;
- Thread ordinary and "grass";
- Satin ribbons in different colors and sizes.
Our small master class will tell you that,How to make red poppies, but you can quite a bit experiment and choose for these wonderful colors some other color scheme. Very beautiful and unusual looks embroidery with dark blue poppies or bright orange.
Let's start working with ribbons:
Let's start the master class with makingleaves for flowers. To do this, we will need to cut a piece of green ribbon and figuratively cut it into the shape of a leaf. Then we will have to carefully melt its edges using a lighter or matches. In addition, we will need to give volume to the future leaf, so we will sew it with thread in some places.
Now we need to cut a piece of the red ribbon,the length of which should be approximately 10-12 cm. We need to bend and stitch the edges of the resulting strip. Then, having made beautiful folds, we will have to sew the petal along its entire length. In total, for one flower we will need 4-5 such petals.
After this we need to sew all the petals together. Maybe,
It will be a little difficult to form the flower right away, so we will advise them to sew on the petals one at a time.
To make our poppies look morerealistically we need to make a core for them. To make it, we first need to cut a small piece of green ribbon. And then we will have to mark a circle on it. Then we need to slightly tighten the thread and form a small ball of padding polyester and place it inside the future core. Now we can tighten the thread all the way and sew the edges.
You will then need to mark the core at 5equal parts using floss threads. Please note that in this case you need to hide the last loop in the middle and tighten it tightly. Now, using threads, you need to make small stamens. The resulting stamens can be further decorated if desired. To do this, you need to carefully apply white toothpaste to their tips. Of course, so wonderful
will look more elegant:
It is worth noting that there is another way to make unusual stamens, which most likely will seem simpler for beginning craftswomen:
Take a piece of cardboard and make this template out of it:
Wind black floss threads around it:
Remove them from the cardboard template and cut the resulting loops:
Spread the ends with PVA glue and sprinkle with semolina:
To make poppies embroidered with ribbons with such a core look more neat, you can trim the tips of the stamens a little.
Having finished making all the components of the flower, we will have to sew them to each other.
Now comes the crucial stage, duringof which you will definitely need a diagram. However, there is no need to be afraid, since the diagram will be quite simple, and you can easily “sketch” it yourself.
So, mentally imagine how it will belook like your embroidery. Take the base on which you plan to embroider beautiful poppies with ribbons and arrange flowers and leaves on it. Then make a small sketch with a pencil or chalk and you will have a future pattern for embroidering the picture:
In order for our embroidery to be moreVaried and original, we will also embroider poppies with ribbons, which will seem to be turned in the other direction. The photo below shows how to make one such half-blooming flower:
It is worth noting that such embroidery with flower ribbons will not cause difficulties even for novice craftswomen, so you can safely make several half-opened buds.
To make this half-opened bud more attractive, we can decorate it with green sepals:
After the embroidery of the buds is completedyou will need to sew on the poppies themselves, their leaves, and also make stems from threads called “Grass”. Since the diagram was drawn by us in advance, we can cope with this task without any problems:
Now that the poppy embroidery is complete, you canfurther decorate your painting and create several flowers that will bring a “breath of fresh air” to your flower arrangement. Immortelle plants are ideally suited for this purpose. They can be embroidered from blue ribbon (organza). You can also sew sepals onto these wonderful bright flowers. After this, you will need to make stems for the immortelle flowers.
Having finished the work, we will be able to admire our exclusive and summer-bright composition:
As you yourself have probably already noticed,The scheme of action is quite simple. Even novice craftswomen should be able to easily and quickly create such a wonderful painting, which will subsequently decorate your home or become a wonderful gift for someone near and dear to you.
Video: We learn to embroider poppies with satin ribbons