Embroidery Slavic signs and symbols and magic charms
- Starting to embroider - common signs
- What do the signs in the embroidery
- Embroidery-wards
- Icons - embroidery signs
- Powerful Orthodox charms
- Video: Embroidery Slavic signs and amulets
The birth of beauty from the ordinary is magic.The ability to create is magic. And it is only possible for those who put their soul, patience, and diligence into their work: step by step, stitch by stitch. It is not for nothing that those who can delight with their highest skill are, as in the old days, called wizards. But the most interesting thing is that from time immemorial it was believed that these wizards can not only please the eye, but also predict, program the future, putting a special meaning into their work. It is not for nothing that embroidered shirts, towels, and canvases were presented and dressed up for a person at the most significant moments of his life: from birth to seeing him off to another world. It was believed that it was the symbols encrypted in embroidery that could predetermine and change his fate.
Is this statement really so wrong, considering thatthat a thread folded into a pattern in a certain way has a high energy charge, the magical effect of which is confirmed by emotions that even inveterate skeptics experience when looking at an embroidered canvas? By the way, many needlewomen can give many examples when what was conceived during embroidery came true, especially if you follow all the embroidery signs. What are they? What can contribute to the fulfillment of our desires and hopes? Let's consider the most common signs of embroiderers, in the action of which they have repeatedly been convinced.
Starting to embroider - common signs
It is believed that the embroidery, as well as anycreative work, absorbs the mood of the creator, his energy. So, if you want the good to the man who is going to give the embroidered work, or (if the work will remain at home), looking at the creation of their own hands, always experience positive emotions, embroider is possible and necessary only in a good mood.
In order not to block the road to luck and the fulfillment of the wish that was conceived, try not to tie knots on the embroidery. Especially if the work is just beginning.
If embroidery is not your main job, butoccupation for the soul, never take on the one you don’t like. Embroidery should initially “touch” the soul, become your own. No matter how trite it may sound, but not only you choose it, but it chooses you. To please the customer is one moral aspect, to resist your will is quite another.
Makosh (Mokosh) goddess - patroness of womenneedlework on EarthEmbroidery, as well as any work, is best started on the waxing moon. The moon is waxing, the possibility of fulfilling a wish grows. This is an old proven sign that takes place in all nations, cultures and religions of the world.
Cross stitch, which was originally wornmagical character (our ancestors believed that with the first stitch reality opens up, with the second it is fixed, the embroidered canvas programs the future), you should start from the middle of the work. Just as from a stone thrown into water, circles go - from smaller to larger, so from the first cross the power of your message increases towards the end. By the way, cross stitch embroidery can become the most powerful amulet.
Never start handicrafts on Friday.And, in general, it is better not to touch a needle on Friday. According to ancient Slavic beliefs, Friday - the goddess of women's crafts (the second name of Mokosh, whose power was almost equal to the supreme Perun) - strictly monitors that women do not touch work on her day. She can severely punish disobedient women by curling their fingers or putting a painful ache in the back, piercing shooting pains.
It is believed that one should not embroider on church days.holidays. Especially in the morning, without praying and visiting the temple. There is a sign that such embroidery will turn into boring work without end or the result will be completely opposite to what was intended. After the service (if this is not work for which you receive money, but a favorite pastime) - you can.
Barbara is the patron saint of embroiderers,There is an exception to the rule - St. Barbara's Day, which is celebrated on December 17. Barbara is the patroness of embroiderers. Moreover, according to legend, it was she who embroidered Jesus's vestments with gold threads. It is believed that the saint can guide the embroiderer's future, her intentions, and opens a happy path to the fulfillment of her wishes. And there is also a popular belief that on this day a girl who dreams of a successful marriage should "sow" the first "seeds" on the white canvas of a wedding towel or shirt. And it is better if it is cross-stitch (without knots!). The cross is a powerful feminine sign, the protective power of which is unique in its essence.
Don't start embroidering on Sunday morning.There will never be any benefit from this, only harm: both to you, and to your embroidery, and to the person it is intended for. At the same time, if you visit a church on this day, attend a service, pray - the stitches laid on Sunday will acquire special power;
At the beginning of work it is necessary to tune in toresult. Even better - call on the higher powers for help. Alternatively, say: "Lord, help!", or "With God!". There is also an old Slavic spell - an unconditionally effective sign: "I speak to my needle - for health, for joy, I bless. Let my thoughts come true, let all those images in life come true. Let it be so forever and ever, like the eternal Alatyr stone!"
What do the signs in the embroidery
- if in the process of embroidery you are constantly entangled thread - about you someone responds well. If you are a woman - man, if rukodelnik man - woman;
- if a woman, a man while embroidering injureneedle finger (any except large!) - be sure to praise the work. What happened is an unmarried girl - her boyfriend is thinking about it. But when it happened on the eve of New Year's - the girl be married in the near future;
if a drop of blood falls from the pricked finger, feel free to make a wish. By the way, Alexander Pushkin mentioned this sign in his famous "Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights";- needle pricked his thumb - cautionarysign: In the near future you expect some trouble. It is possible that it is related to the man who designed embroidery. First you need to be guided by feeling, the glimpse at the time that you hurt yourself;
- Do not leave the hoop on the bed - "Zaspa"work: it can stay or incomplete, or it will be difficult to go, instead of pleasure bring only disappointment and certainly no good. Nor can it be to throw your fingers anywhere - embroidery process will tire you;
- some, guided by bad prejudices,afraid to embroider during pregnancy. But to no avail. You can not sew during religious holidays, but to embroider - as possible. Sometimes, even the need: for a kind of relaxation, as well as to pave the way to your child happy in his fate. All positive promises reinforce embroidery done during pregnancy. The main thing - to think of something good, good and pleasant. The only thing to do is not desirable for pregnant women when they embroider - trim the thread with scissors, especially if it is a holy day. It is believed that in this way they can cause injury to your baby as physical (crop, for example, an ear lobe, finger, cut out baldness hair that will never heal), and spiritual - to cut the allotted fate of life and goodness of heart, honesty, obedience. It is thought that during pregnancy, importance and power of oberezhnoy embroidery exposure increases.
Slavic amulet - the color of the fernIf induring pregnancy you already know that you are expecting a boy, embroider him a powerful amulet, which gives the ability to find profit even in the most insignificant matter - the color of the fern. This Slavic image of the Perun Flower will help your baby fulfill his cherished desires, reveal the strength of his spirit. It is advisable to do this during pregnancy.
Our beloved man, father, brother is like thiscross stitch will protect against back pain, bone and joint diseases. If you add a cornflower there, vision problems will decrease, hops will solve speech difficulties, and colds will occur much less frequently.
If someone close to you gets “lost” and ends up ininto psychological, alcoholic, drug addiction, cooled to study, will help the most ancient Slavic amulet, embroidered with a cross - a rune, an image, a sign of Svarozhich. It helps the "lost" to independently realize that something is wrong with him, shows the path, stepping on which you can get on the right road.
Do you wish your son, husband, brother, loverthe path of leadership - embroider a talisman with the symbol of the Family. The embroidery should be located on the chest of a man/boy and on the shoulders. And the one who becomes its owner will be able to move mountains on his way, to reach the peak of his abilities.
Do you want your child, your chosen one,your loved one will never be touched by damage, the evil eye, love spells - embroider the sign of the rotating fire cross on his shirt, shirt, knitted pullover. The fire encrypted in this amulet destroys any spells and negativity directed at its owner.
Men's amulet - embroidered oak leaves withacornsIf you dream that your son will be courageous, strong in strength and spirit, embroider him the most ancient male amulet - oak leaves with acorns hidden in them.
Do you want your son to be happy in love, andyour chosen one will never forget you - decorate the embroidery with a periwinkle image. Such a talisman with its power and blue-blue color of hope will not let your chosen one easily "turn left", will show your beloved the way to your heart, your son - will give fidelity to his beloved.
If you want to pass on to your child all the wisdom of your family, grant him the protection of his ancestors, embroider an image/symbol of the Heavenly Cross as a talisman.
If a pregnant woman is fond of embroideryThey said that she was expecting a girl, she could also embroider powerful amulets for her future assistant. During pregnancy, these would be amulets of special power.
Embroidered will protect you from colds and strengthen your healthon the shirt there is a pink lily framed by green leaves. And if you add the ancient Slavic symbol of the swift lord of the winds - Stribog - to the corners of the embroidery, your daughter will have powerful protection against acute bronchitis, tonsillitis, otitis (ear inflammation) and rhinitis (runny nose).
The amulet with the image of a golden lily will beprotect your daughter's life from adultery (it is better if such embroidery is on a pillow or in the form of a picture). White lily - will give your child the gift of foreseeing troubles, various kinds of troubles.
If you want your daughter to have pure, innocent maiden happiness, give her embroidery with a picture of viburnum.
If you dream of your daughter havingfamous female wisdom. And also that there would always be well-being in her house, and your son-in-law would consider your treasure the embodiment of tenderness, motherhood and would be convinced that he got the greatest happiness on earth - embroider her shirts, towels, scarves, accessories with the image of a female figure, whose hands are either raised or lowered. This is the strongest Slavic symbol of Bereginya (or Mokosh, or Lada, the beloved of the supreme Slavic god, Mother Earth), which was and remains a reliable female amulet-protector.
Women's amulet "Ladinets"Very powerful femaleThe amulet is the ancient Slavic symbol of Lada - Ladinets. It will give your daughter protection from various problems, help develop intuition, and balance all her feelings. In addition, it will ensure normal development of her hormonal background, help avoid gynecological diseases (or quickly cure them), give strength and splendor to her hair, even out metabolism, and make her skin smooth. And it will help you or your mother, friend, or sister to reveal feminine sensuality, and contribute to normalizing weight, especially if you frame it in a circle with roses. And, no matter how fantastic it may sound, Ladinets promotes rejuvenation. A mature woman who receives embroidery with its image as a gift (exactly as a gift!) blossoms again. In addition, the owner of this symbol will never be left without a partner. There are also mandatory conditions that must be strictly observed - the amulet cannot be embroidered during menstruation. And also - no knots in the embroidery, no use of scissors, no leaving the needle in the embroidery. If you want the power of the amulet to act long and reliably - hide the unfinished work from prying eyes, and wrap it in white linen at night. And also take into account that when embroidering Ladinets, its first ray (and there are eight in total) must be red. The second was depicted in the embroidery either with a black thread, or a thread that corresponds to your element (zodiac sign).
The “apple circle” also serves as a wonderful amulet.four sectors. If its opposite sectors are maintained in the same tones, their owner will find strong, faithful love that neither the monotony of everyday life nor an insidious rival will be able to shake.
The family amulets will be embroidery with the cross-shaped symbol of Svarog, which is executed in red tones. Such a sign is a sign of luck, a protector of the family, its reliable companion at every important stage of life.
If you want to attract wealth to yourself,wealth, to your family members, and to yourself in particular, embroider in yellow as a talisman the sign of the Slavic patron of traders, farmers, cattle breeders, hunters Veles. With it you will gain constancy and fortitude, the gift of foreseeing a successful deal, decisiveness in concluding it, wisdom in composing.
If you are looking for protection from family quarrels, want to improve the situation in the family, an amulet in the form of a towel, shirt, bracelet, pendant with a blue-red symbol of Belobog will help you.
Slavic symbol “Alatyr”Seek harmonyfamily relationships, it will be provided by the Rod sign - the Slavic symbol Alatyr. It contains the beginning and the end, wisdom and patience, understanding and responsiveness. It suits both men and women. And it will become your amulet not only when embroidered on shirts, knitwear, but also on towels, tablecloths.
By the way, Slavic amulets don’t like it when theyembroidered in hoops. It is believed that a closed circle does not allow the program that is initially embedded in the amulet symbol to enter. Slavic amulets embroidered in hoops will simply become a beautiful decoration.
And also, if you are embroidering a talisman, and not justpicture, its back side should be without knots, tangled or excessively intertwined threads. The face of the amulet is the world you are striving for, the back side is the obstacles that await you on the way to achieving your goal.
Icons - embroidery signs
Icons are perhaps one of the most popular themes for embroidery. They can be embroidered with threads, as well as
. Anyone who begins to depict the faces of saints must also observe special signs in embroidery:
the most important sign is to start work with a common prayer - “Our Father”;- if you are embroidering the icon with the image of your patron saint, it is best to begin work on the day of the saint, or in their name-day, holy days dedicated to him;
- before dark superstition dictated that a womanduring menstruation, pregnant women can not touch the canvas, designed for embroidery icons. This is not true. And confirmation of this Orthodox priest preaching the word - Patriarch Pavle, who noted that "women's physical uncleanness, exactly like any other bodily discharge, do not make a woman and her sinful thoughts." And if her mind and soul are turned to God, it rightfully can, making the sign of the cross, to make pleasing to God. Embroider icon - it is God-pleasing;
- if you embroidering icon with meaning - as a gift, and not just as beautiful, vivid and complex picture to test his skill embroiderers, should ask the blessing of the priest;
- Embroidered icon will gain a real life-giving force, if you before the work is not only blessed, but also communion, confessed, complied with the post;
- impossible while embroidering remove their iconscrucifix. And, incidentally, it would be better if the face and hands of the saint will be embroidered with a cross. The reason is simple: the icon, as well as the cross, the cross - God's image. If you go to some celebration, holiday, and your crucifix is not entirely appropriate to look into the deep neckline, consider that more important to you. If you refuse the presence at the festival can not find a compromise solution. For example, the tie (fasten securely) to the cross strap of your bra;
- while embroidering icons, as well as before starting work, should be given time to read the prayers. If you do not pray to your holy, universal "Our Father" will help in this case;
- at the end of the work necessary to sanctify the icon in the church. It happens that the priest refused to do it - do not despair. Go to another Orthodox church - a priest who knows.
Powerful Orthodox charms
Those who profess the Orthodox religion, know that the most powerful charms are:
- kryzhma / baptismal diaper, which put the child after the ordinances of baptism;
- baptismal shirt;
- Wedding towels.
Embroidered christening setBefore embroideringbaptismal veil, you must pray. While embroidering it, read prayers and, putting on the next stitch or at least from time to time, say wishes for the newborn on the embroidery. A programmed and consecrated baptismal veil will protect your child from many problems and illnesses if used correctly. For example, if your child is convulsing, do not scream or be frightened, but cover the child with a baptismal diaper. The convulsions will subside. If you have jinxed a child, wash him with holy water and wipe him with a baptismal veil - the damage will go to the one who put it on.
The christening gown is a mustwhite. But the embroidered pattern on it is at your discretion. Almost everything is allowed, except for the use of black. It should never be present on the newborn's clothes. Embroidery signs say that the main thing in working on a christening shirt is good intentions and sincere wishes. If you are not familiar with the meaning of the embroidery symbols, know that:
Embroidery on a christening shirtA poppy embroidered on a christening shirt will bring physical and spiritual beauty to the newborn, make his good dreams come true, and give him fertility.
Chamomile is a symbol of fidelity and devoted tender love.
Sunflower – will give the child the gift of fidelity and devotion.
A wreath of cornflowers will make his soul sensitive, responsive and humane.
Embroidered peonies, roses and mallows are symbols of faith, hope and love.
If you want your child to be healthy and get sick as little as possible, embroider mint.
Embroidered oregano flowers will give the newborn true and tender motherly love.
Lily - will make the newborn girl immaculate, pure in her thoughts and intentions, will give her maiden happiness.
The immortelle flower will protect the newborn from ulcerative diseases and help him quickly cope with any wounds.
An image of cherry or apple blossom will forever bestow upon him devoted motherly love.
Embroidered blue periwinkle is a symbol of life and immortality of the soul. Schematic image of viburnum - gives the newborn beauty of soul and body.
Embroidered hops will provide the newborn with a flexible character and an inquisitive mind.
Blue periwinkle is not only a talisman against evil spiritsintentions of the homewrecker, it is a symbol of life and immortality of the soul, pure marital relations, which your newborn will enter into sooner or later. By the way, each petal of the periwinkle flower has its own meaning: one denotes beauty, the second - tenderness, the third - affection, the fourth - harmony in relations, the fifth - fidelity.
Delicate field bells woven into the embroidered pattern will make your child a truly grateful and noble person.
Well, and the signs in embroidering wedding towelsThey say that they must necessarily depict doves looking tenderly at each other. It is better if the doves hold a spikelet or a periwinkle flower in their beaks.
Each symbol has multiple meanings, the sign is interesting.Whether to adhere to them or not is your choice. But, as time shows, folk wisdom, passed down from generation to generation, carries a deep meaning. And it is unlikely that empty signs would live so long if they did not work.
Video: Embroidery Slavic signs and amulets