Extra-curricular exercise on modeling of salted dough for students in grade 4. Firebird

Extra-curricular exercise on modeling of salted dough for students in grade 4. Firebird

In recent years, the salted dough has become verya popular material for modeling. Working with him gives pleasure and joy. Occupation of modeling contribute to the development of motor skills. Small muscles located on the hands, produce a lot of movements, this process is called fine motor. By 6-7 years after the structural design of the bone base and under the influence of the muscles of the hand, the coordination of the small muscles of the hand is developing at a rapid pace, so the child has the opportunity to master the letter well. The very process of writing is mainly carried out by small worm-like muscles of the right hand, these are the muscles in the child at the beginning of schooling are not yet fully developed. It should be remembered that the formation of a hand for 7 years does not end. Ossification of the bones of the wrist and phalanges of the fingers ends in 10-13 years. From the age of 8-9, the children are strengthening their connections, muscular development is gaining, there is a significant increase in muscle volume. As for the movement of the eyes and hands, this moment is also very important. It is necessary to accustom junior schoolchildren to be active in relation to any business with which they are engaged. In this way, will power and patience are developed ... The process of molding usually causes obvious interest in each child. He is better at learning various modeling techniques when he sees how an adult does it in his eyes. To correctly convey the shape and structure of the subject, it is necessary to teach children certain methods and methods of modeling - constructive - the simplest, when the depicted object is molded in parts; Plastic, when the whole product is made of a whole piece, without division into parts; combined - when molding one product uses both constructive and plastic methods. During acquaintance with techniques and methods of modeling from salted dough, children acquire skills of plastic images of objects, master the ability to stylize, imaginatively, creatively rework their impressions, obtained by them in acquaintance with the surrounding world, while reading fiction, looking at illustrations, pictures , sculptures, works of folk and applied art. The purpose of the lesson is to learn from the salty dough: the development by junior schoolchildren of extracurricular lessons from the salty dough molding. Tasks: enriching children's knowledge; developing experience and creative activity in creating compositions; understanding the need for high-quality image fulfillment; constructive interaction with aesthetic education, development of speech, fine motor skills and visualization. on modeling of a salty dough "Firebird" The image of the Firebird was one of the favorite among the people. The peasant will make a bird out of chips or pine shingles, hang it on a thread to the ceiling and admire it. Looking at her, the peasant believed that as soon as such a bird flies into its edges, spread its wings, spread its tail, and all the free light will melt the snow, the grass will turn green, and the trees will cover with foliage. After all, birds have long been considered the forerunners of the spring and heat. With their loud twitter, they chased away the forces of darkness from the earth. And people sincerely believed that birds bring joy and happiness. It is necessary to introduce children to the fairy tale of Tolstoy. "Firebird". Fizkultminutka: (children stand near their places) Sing, sing along, ten birds - a flock (hands raise and lower up, down) this bird - a sparrow (children crouch, stand) this birdie-nightingale, (children squat) sleepy (the children squat, get up), this bird - the corncrake, (the children squat, get up) this bird - the squill (children crouch, stand up their hands slowly lift up and lower them down) gray a feather is a chaffinch (children squat, get up) it's a swift, (children squat, stand up) well, and it's an evil eagle ... birds, birds to their homes (children sit down in their places) Guys, let's each of us have our own bird. And not just a bird, but a "fowl-bird". Work progress: The composition of the salted dough consists of stylized elements: large parts of the heat-bird attached to each other, are attached with water, the wings are made of superficial cakes, the breast of the fire-bird is decorated with necklaces (small balls roll down and attach to basis). Extracurricular work. Firebird with your own hands. Photo №1 Extracurricular work. Firebird with your own hands. Photo # 2 Extracurricular work. Firebird with your own hands. Picture №3 Extracurricular work. Firebird with your own hands. Photo №4 Paints that are used in combination colorstypically decorative: bright, juicy; Additional (that is, those that emphasize the brightness of each other) colors: green, orange, yellow, with large bright additives - red color enhances the brightness of the entire composition. The picture from the salty dough "Firebird" turned bright and cheerful. All stylization is designed exclusively for children's perception. The composition is mounted on a base (on a dense cardboard) with the help of glue "PVA". Extracurricular work. Firebird with your own hands. Photo №5

