Felted kitten toy – do-it-yourself crafts and crafts

Felted kitten toy – do-it-yourself crafts and crafts

I bring to your attention a master class on creation of a felted toy-kitten.Felted toy kitten. Photo №1To start work, we prepare a base from synthetic padding– sew the body in the form of a bobbin about 8-10 cm long, roll up the padding polyester and sew the edge with simple threads. Roll a ball and sew it up - this will be our head. Cut strips of padding polyester 6 cm wide and 8 cm long from the padding polyester, also roll them up along the long side and sew them up. Our base is ready. Let's start creating a color scheme from wool for felting. To do this, take wool of several shades (in this case, I have dark brown, light brown, beige, red and a little dark cherry). Hold all this yarn in your left hand, and with your right hand, start combing the yarn horizontally with a brush. The result is an unusual color, with spots here and there. Next, start rolling our blanks with this yarn - the body, head, paws. We felt until the product is completely smooth, on the tummy we immediately felt a lighter yarn - beige. Now look at the photo, the body is ready.Felted toy kitten. Photo # 2Let's start forming the muzzle - this isthe most crucial moment. This minute determines what kind of toy you will get: sad or happy. Take a piece of yarn, crumple it in your hands to make an oval, apply it to the head and secure with a needle. This will be the center of the muzzle. Felt tightly in the middle, make a thin vertical line, glue the nose to the top of the line, at the level of the nose on both sides we make indentations for the eyes, then glue the eyes.Felted toy kitten. Picture №3 Felted toy kitten. Photo №4Above the eyes we make eyelids - to do this we take a small piece of yarn and felt it into an oval shape, then fold it in half and secure it above the eyes so that the oval slightly overlaps the eye.Felted toy kitten. Photo №5 Felted toy kitten. Photo №6Next we glue the eyelashes.How I do it: I squeeze glue (I use glue for ceiling tiles) onto a smooth surface in a thin strip of 2-3 cm, pick up a cut eyelash with tweezers, dip it in glue and apply it to the eye. I adjust the corners with a needle or a dental stick - it holds very well and leaves no trace. Admire the face!Felted toy kitten. Photo №7 Дальше – лапки.We take the combed wool, lay it out in a rectangle, and put our sausage-blank in the middle. We start working with a needle: we felt tightly on one side at the edge, and do not finish felting the wool on the other end - we leave strands for felting to the main part. When the sausage is ready, we sew the paws with a simple sewing needle and thread. Claws - 1 stitching line in the middle. And 2 and 3 side ones on both sides. I stitch each line 2 times.Felted toy kitten. Photo №8Now we sew the head to the body so thatthe sewing lines were visible, add wool and roll it up. Then sew on the paws - front and back - also add wool so that the seam is not visible.Felted toy kitten. Photo Number 9 Felted toy kitten. Picture №10 Felted toy kitten. Photo Number 11Felting the tail:We roll the yarn into a cone, leaving the yarn un-felted on one side. We sew on the tail. Now the ears: we take the yarn, roll it into a triangle and felt on both sides. We sew on the ears, look at this miracle, admire it, take a photo and put it in a prominent place!Felted toy kitten. Photo number 12 Felted toy kitten. Photo №13

