Figures of mehendi or painting on the body with the help of henna by own hands

Figures of mehendi or painting on the body with the help of henna by own hands

With the help of special patterns on the body, people fromhave been trying to recreate a certain individuality since ancient times. Thanks to the technique of "mehendi", this action can be done for a long, but not infinite time. A special painting-tattoo made of henna material is perfect as an ideal option for design. We will tell you the history of Henna, and also explain how to prepare a special substance for application.Figures mehendi or painting on the body with the help of henna own hands. Photo №1

What is mehendi?

Mehndi is a type of body paintingwith the help of patterns, using dyes from natural products. In particular, this product is Henna. The technique appeared in ancient times, according to many sources - it takes its origins from Egypt. The popularization of this genre occurred with the help of Asia and the East, who applied various patterns of geometric shapes to their bodies, sometimes using their entire body.Figures mehendi or painting on the body with the help of henna own hands. Photo # 2The end of the 20th century brought this style to Europe.Then people began to decorate their bodies using various ornaments, comfortable external elements that emphasized various traditions. Features of the style “Mehendi”Figures mehendi or painting on the body with the help of henna own hands. Picture №3The peculiarity of the pattern is that itcan be applied to the body without using subcutaneous tissue. In this case, only the top layer of skin will be treated, and such a procedure will be scarless and safe. Also, using mehendi, your tattoo will not be long-lasting. It will last for one to three weeks and disappear from the body. In addition, henna dye is a natural and organic material that is obtained by drying leaves.

Preparing a mixture of henna

Figures mehendi or painting on the body with the help of henna own hands. Photo №4To make a tattoo like this yourself, you need to have:

  • Henna powder (20 g.)
  • Lemon (2 pcs.)
  • Sand sugar (1 tsp)
  • Oil (aromatic, 1 tsp)
  • A spoon
  • Plastic bowl
  • Slight film

Figures mehendi or painting on the body with the help of henna own hands. Photo №5Next, we work on the material.To do this, squeeze out the lemon juice using straining procedures. Next, you need to sift the organic henna material. Then, using a glass bowl, combine these two elements and mix them together. After that, you need to cover the bowl with polyethylene and then leave it in a warm place for half a day. After this time, sand sugar is added to our set and then aromatic oil is also added, which is mixed into a homogeneous composition. Thus, the drawing will look clearer and will also last longer. A full-fledged henna preparationFigures mehendi or painting on the body with the help of henna own hands. Photo №6Next, using lemon juice, bring the mixture totype of toothpaste (similar consistency of the material). The paint should not be very liquid (Otherwise, add more organic material - henna). The bowl is covered with film and left for half a day. The composition for the paint is ready. Its shelf life is no more than three weeks in the refrigerator, or a third of a year in the freezer (the packaging must be airtight).

