Finger games for children 2 years.
Finger games are one of the most useful activitiesfor the full development of a 2-year-old child. In addition to the benefits, finger games carry a kind of "physical education minute" when it is necessary to switch the baby from one activity to another, distract the baby in the car/train, in line at the doctor's, and just quietly have fun with mom, tired after housework. As for the direct benefits for development, science has proven the connection between the development of fine motor skills and the ability to speak and pronounce words correctly (oral speech), write beautifully in the future, finger games also have a beneficial effect on the child's memory, coordination of movements, and reduce the risk of stress. Children under 2 years old will not be able to sit for a long time doing finger exercises, so I will give you an example of short poems: Brothers (we bend the baby's fingers one by one, if he can - himself) This brother went to the forest This brother found a mushroom This brother cooked a mushroom This brother salted it The fat brother only ate, that's why he got fat.Maple A strong wind shakes the maple, (we straighten it outfingers and stretch them lengthwise) Tilts to the sides: (twist palms left/right) Bow once and bow twice, (bow with palms) Our maple rustles with leaves. (wiggle fingers) Bunny Bunny jumped and skipped, (imitate jumping with fingers - on the palm or table) Bunny was looking for food. (with the index finger and thumb we collect «food in a basket-palm») Here on the top of the bunny's head The ears rose from fear. (we will depict ears with the hands on the head) Rustles are suddenly heard: Wolves are sneaking up on the bunny. (we walk very quietly with fingers on the table) The bunny swept away all his tracks, To protect himself from trouble. (we cover our tracks with our fingers and run away) Snail The snail scratches with its horns (we show the snail's horns with two fingers) The ant closed the gate (we imitate the gate with the other hand) You open the gate quickly (we open the door-palm) The snail speaks to him (we show the snail) Do finger games with children aged 2 years, do not spare time for the development of your child!