Fireplace Design Ideas

Fireplace Design Ideas


    Fireplace Design Ideas

    No matter what room the fireplace is in, itwill always be the center of everyone's attention. As a rule, there is a recreation area near the fireplace. All objects in such a recreation area must necessarily be turned towards the hearth - a symbol of home comfort and warmth. There are many ideas with which you can turn the fireplace area into a real work of art.

    Decoration of the fireplace area at the design stage

    If you start the process of decorating the fireplace area even earlier,design stage, then in the end you can get a real work of art. To do this, you need to use original design and finishing materials with an unusual surface, and the fireplace will become the central and most striking element of any room. To emphasize such a fireplace, a few things will be enough, or even do without additional decorative elements.Decoration of the fireplace area at the design stageDecorating the fireplace area at the design stage

    Fireplace logs

    Regular fires are the simplest anda natural element of decor of the area near the fireplace. Neat, pre-cleaned from dirt, logs will perfectly complement the interior if they are tied and placed in a special niche, or in the firebox, if the fireplace is currently in a faulty condition. In order for the fireplace to look more natural, branches can be used as decorative elements.Fireplace logsLogs in the decor of the fireplace area

    Reflective surfaces and mirrors

    The most advantageous decorative elements are considered to bemirrors. The area near the fireplace is no exception in this case. For greater effect, the fireplace area can be additionally lined with panels that have a reflective surface. A simpler decor option is a mirror in a beautiful frame, which is located above the portal. In addition, a mirror can currently be matched to any stylistic design of the room. This can be a modern or classic version, a patinated mirror or a mirror with a 3D effect and various volumetric elements.Reflective surfaces in the decor of the fireplace areaReflective surfaces in the decor of the fireplace area

    Candles in the decor of the fireplace area

    It will look organic in the decor of the fireplace arealook another source of light and heat - candles. Candles can be used as single ones, installed for additional decoration in beautiful candlesticks or created from them original compositions. Candles from the same collection, similar in shape and color, will look best in the fireplace decor.Candles in the decor of the fireplace areaCandles in the decor of the fireplace areaSONY DSC

    Symmetrical decor

    A special atmosphere can be created in the area around the fireplace,if you place symmetrically identical decorative items or furniture elements on both sides of the fireplace. Such a technique can balance any space and help create an atmosphere of stability. Chests of drawers, wall shelves, racks, floor vases, bookcases, figurines and much more are suitable as such items.Symmetrical mantelpiece decorSymmetrical decor of the fireplace area

    Pictures in the design of the fireplace area

    Many people like to decorate the portal and the wall next to it.fireplace with paintings. Both a single painting of impressive dimensions on the wall above the portal and a composition of several small paintings look good. When decorating the fireplace area in this way, it is necessary to ensure that the plot of the paintings harmoniously matches the overall interior of the room. Instead of paintings, you can use family photos or prints in frames. An interesting effect can be achieved if you use empty frames as decoration for the fireplace area.Pictures in the decor of the fireplace areaPaintings in the decor of the fireplace area

    Shelves and niches

    For those who have space above the fireplace and the portal itself,do not allow your imagination to run wild, a great idea could be to decorate the shelves and niches in the fireplace area appropriately. If you have them, of course. You can place anything on them: candles, books, decorative dishes, photographs, figurines and much more.Niches in the design of the fireplace areaNiches in the design of the fireplace area

    Figurines and vases in the decor of the fireplace area

    Any kind of fireplace mantel looks goodvolumetric objects. Various vases and figurines are perfect for such decoration. It is advisable to use elements from one collection for such decoration. Compositions of such objects look complete and integral.Fireplace VasesVases in the decoration of the fireplace area

    Fireplace decor in a modern rustic style

    A good alternative to fresh flowers in decorationfireplace area can be ordinary dry branches. Decorative compositions from such natural material can be made independently, and, unlike flowers, they will not wither in a few days. A composition of dry branches can be supplemented with cones, shoots, a laurel branch, dry bark, branches of evergreen plants such as ivy or thuja.Natural materials in the design of the fireplace areaNatural materials in the design of the fireplace area Using any method of decorating the area around the fireplace,It should be remembered that the central element of the entire composition should be the portal itself. You should not choose too bright and pretentious elements for the decor. You should only slightly shade the fireplace with items that match the style of the interior. Did you like the article? Share on social networks!

