Fish, crayfish and starfish from beads, weaving patterns, master class / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

Fish, crayfish and starfish from beads, weaving patterns, master class / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

It's great to have your own personal goldfish at home! And it does not matter that this goldfish from beads. The main thing is to firmly believe that she will fulfill your every desire.

gold fish

We need:

  • 2 black beads for the eyes;
  • beads number 8 of three colors, close to gold;
  • 3 meters of wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm;
  • Fishing line;
  • needle;
  • Nippers.

Master class of fish weaving

  • For weaving fish from beads cut 2 meters of wire and dial on it 4 beads of the 1st color.
  • Pass the two end of the wire through the two beads and tighten.
  • Dial 4 more beads
  • Also thread the opposite end of the wire through them and tighten.
  • In the third row, insert a black bead. It will be an eye.
  • Repeat this on the other side.
  • Now we need to make a fin, typing on the fifth row 3 beads of the 1st color and 2 of the second.
  • Leaving one bead, return the wire, passing it through all the remaining 4. Tighten.
  • On the other hand, you need to do this by typing one bead of the primary color and the second one.
  • Repeat these operations 7 times, until the fish from the beads will overgrow the fins from above and below.
  • We make two more rows. We have a three-dimensional cone.
  • On the last row we pass through 5 beads one more piece of wire 30 cm long and another same segment through three middle beads.
  • Finish the weave of the torso of the fish from the beads.
  • Spread the ends of the wire in pairs and type the beads for the tail.
  • Ring the chain.
  • Dial three more such chains and loop around, twisting the ends of the wire at the beginning of the tail.
  • Master class of weaving fish is over. You can make wishes.
  • gold fish

    Bulk cancer from beads

    Master class of weaving cancer begins with the heada set of two beads by the method of parallel weaving. In addition, the pieces of wire for the paws are intertwined. The photo shows an understandable scheme of weaving, following which you will certainly achieve success. For the whole work is used beads of the same color,except for two black beads-eyes. Two claws are detached separately. If you prefer a toy similar to real live cancer, take a dark brown or green beads. Red is only boiled cancer. cancer from beads-2 cancer from beads-3


    All earrings are ordinary, and you have every earsparkles starfish from beads. Original volumetric accessory! True, it must first be done. But this is not difficult, even for beginners.

    • Dial 5 beads. Go around in circles, picking up one more bead and diving into each of the five already connected. Continue as follows.

    • Watch for the color of the beads that are being recruited.


    • Such stars should be made on two for each earring, and then sew them on the protruding beads.


    • Star earrings are ready.


    Star key ring

    The whole master class of this work reflects the scheme of weaving. The star is not voluminous but very beautiful, an excellent addition to the earrings. Moreover, this star may not necessarily be marine.

