Flowers from multi-colored plastic bottles with their own hands

Flowers from multi-colored plastic bottles with their own hands

Can artificial orchids outperformbeauty of living dendrobiums or phalaenopsis? Quite if the inflorescences are carefully made by hand. By creating this beauty, like living nature, the master puts his soul into it, filling it with energy, albeit inanimate, but still beautiful bouquets for decorating a home or a very special gift. Apart from the makings of decorative talent, nothing special is needed for this. Today we will “grow” bright orchids and many other flowers from plastic bottles. Surprised? Then we will immediately begin our exciting master class.Flowers made of plastic bottles


Evergreen orchids are something from the areafiction. But making flowers from plastic bottles will allow us to defeat the laws of nature. To begin, prepare the necessary materials: several multi-colored soda flasks (milk, beer, etc.), plastic paints (acrylic, aerosol in bottles), glue for polymers, a candle or alcohol burner (a soldering iron or burner is also useful), scissors . All is ready? Then let's get to work! We will follow the step-by-step instructions:Orchids made of plastic bottles

  • Referring to Fig. 1, cut the bottom of the bottle. This is an excellent landing base for an orchid - the upper petals already exist. It remains to adjust the shape of the 4 petals with scissors and slightly to melt their edges with the flame of a candle;
  • We continue to "grow" flowers from plasticbottles with your own hands: from the body cut out the "consignment" flower for 4 (6-8 - if desired) petals. It can be glued to the substrate. Or, having made through holes through the burner in detail, collect the orchid bowl on a decorative carnation;
  • Make a few inflorescences and plant them onan improvised leg - a wood twig, painted in green. So you can collect large flowers from seemingly garbage. And if you work with your soul, artificial flowers with your external data will not succumb to living orchids.

Surely you already have a decent vase for a luxurious orchid branch. No? Then make it all from the same familiar material!


Rice.2 clearly shows how to make daisies from plastic bottles. As you can see, the main difficulty here is the formation of the stem, stem petals and receptacle on the burner flame. However, as soon as you start working on the flower, the plastic daisy will begin to appear as if by itself - everything will be so simple. So, let's proceed step by step:We make plastic chamomile

  • Cut out the stencil or eye base element - an inflorescence of chamomile with petals. At first it will be a rough workpiece, but then you will correct it with scissors and give it a natural appearance;
  • From the cuttings of the green plastic, cut out various stem petals and lightly coat them on the spirit lamp. Thanks to this, each chamomile will become unique;
  • From a piece of yellow (brown) plastic, make the core of the flower. Prepare the stem, gently melting on the spirit lamp a thin strip of plastic - twisted or straight ends of the bottle;
  • Gather your artwork together, using the technique of soldering parts to each other. However, somewhere you can and use glue.

The peduncle can be made even simpler:cut a wide strip of plastic along the entire height of the bottle and fold it lengthwise, pressing tightly. Cut off the excess planes with scissors, leaving only a thin corner - the leg is ready. Now it’s no secret to you how daisies are made from plastic bottles. Shall we move on?


Don't make roses from plastic bottles yourself.only simple, but also surprisingly interesting. Each flower will be different from the others. Diagram 3 will tell you in detail how to make a garden queen. In a short time, large flowers from waste materials will bloom in your hands. Will your loved ones be able to guess what all this beauty is made of? Hardly. Let's get started soon? So:The scheme of making roses from a bottle

  • Look at what kind of work required homemadethe plastic rose in Fig. 3 and make 2-4 similar parts of different sizes. You can preliminarily make a stencil or cut out the components of a flower by eye, which will be more correct if you want to get extremely unique handmade articles made of plastic bottles;
  • Like the previously described techniques, doa pedicel for a rose, just melting a strip of transparent plastic on an open flame. Cut out a variety of petals from the scraps of the bottle and also slightly deform them with a candle flame;
  • Finishing to collect magnificent flowers by own hands,Connect all the fragments of the rose together, soldering the pieces heated on the fire. Or use glue. Collect the flower cap according to the principle of a nesting doll - insert smaller petals into large bowls.

A bouquet of plastic rosesThe resulting craft can be used to decorate an empty shelf or window sill. Or use it for the garden. Your rose will easily take root there! From a distance, the buds are indistinguishable from real ones.


In summer there are countless water lilies on the river, butRed Book lilies will now be difficult to find. But we can make artificial water lilies from plastic bottles in winter, and we don’t necessarily need to look for the graceful queen of ponds. Let's make lilies right now and don't forget about water lilies:Lily from polyethylene bottle

  • Taking for the benefit of Fig. 4, cut out their planes of white plastic bottle (from under the milk) several identical blanks with characteristic lilies with pointed petals. Inside the part, provide a hole sufficient for the passage of the bottle neck;
  • Another bottle (for example, yellow)cut the neck with a stock - it will go to the heart of the lily from bottles with stamens (cut the "prikup" into strips and deform them by heating). Put white blanks with petals from below on the neck thread, fix the collected items with a cork.

And water lilies from plastic bottles area smaller version of the same lily. Make them yellow by significantly reducing the size of the petals and rounding them rather than pointing them. You can handle this easily. Now you can even make a sunflower from plastic bottles, not like the simplest river swimsuits.


Let's not forget to mention the bright poppies inour master class. In general, homemade products made from plastic bottles are easily played up by the color of the materials and the size of the blanks. Much is done in the image and likeness. Likewise, poppies made from bottles are similar in their execution method to roses made from similar materials. Rice. 5 will not allow you to get confused if you want to make several poppies for the garden or for a combined bouquet.Red poppy from plastic by own handsAnd our rice. 6 will teach you how to make tulips.Here you can use various techniques, the main trick of each of which is the use of sections of the bottle that have already been given a convex shape, allowing you to cut out voluminous petals. Plastic tulips are assembled arbitrarily: with glue, by soldering melted parts, with a decorative nail, etc.Buds of plastic tulips Tulips from bottlesHow to make flowers from recycled materials, you nowknown. Feel free to realize your creative ideas, inspired by our visual aids. And finally, a couple of useful tricks: to prevent the plastic from catching fire and becoming treacherously smoky when heated over an open fire, use lower flame levels to warm up the part. And if you can’t solder the flower parts to each other, take regular superglue and everything will work out. And don’t forget about aerosol paints in cans if you need a specific color for your craft, but you simply don’t have a plastic bottle of the right color.

