Forget-me-not photo with the description of variants of weaving from beads (video)

Forget-me-not photo with the description of variants of weaving from beads (video)


Delicate little flowers can't do anythingleave you indifferent. Especially in early spring, when they are just appearing on the first thawed patches. Perhaps for this reason they are called forget-me-nots. It is a pity that they fade very quickly. But you can make forget-me-nots from beads and admire them every day. Moreover, even a novice needlewoman can do it. True, you will have to weave a lot of small, identical flowers. But this is not a problem, is it?

Materials for work

To make your own hands a bouquet of forget-me-nots, you need to take:

  • Czech blue, green and yellow seed beads No. 10 or 11;
  • Thin wire (thickness 0.2-0.3 mm);
  • Thick wire 1 mm thick (to form a stem);
  • Green floral tape (can be replaced with nylon thread);
  • Special pliers;
  • Transparent glue "Moment";
  • acrylic lacquer.

Also, the work will require cutting pliers, a piece of flannel or felt and a box for storing beads.

Variants of weaving flowers forget-me-nots

Like the living, forget-me-nots of beads consist ofA lot of small flowers. On the one hand, they are very easy to make, even without a weaving scheme. On the other hand, they will need a lot. To get a decent bouquet, you need from 30 to 50 of the same type. Although this is a good opportunity to fill the hand of a novice needlewoman. To make beadworking does not seem monotonous, you can make them in different techniques. The most common are the following three options.
First option: Cut a piece from the whole skein20 cm long. Pick up 6 beads and place them so that a 5 cm section remains on one side. Then pass the long end of the wire through the last bead to form a loop. Using the same technique, make 4 more petals. As a result, you should get a blank for the future flower. All that remains is to connect the first and last elements. Pass the remaining long end through the last bead of the 1st petal to the center.

Now you need to make a center for the flower.forget-me-nots. Pick up one yellow bead and thread the wire through the last bead in the fourth petal. Connect both ends together. For decoration, wrap 2 cm of the twist with floral tape (or nylon threads).

Second option
This weaving technique is a little simpler than the previous one.On a wire 12-14 cm long, string 3 blue, 1 yellow and 1 more blue bead. It turns out that the center will be formed simultaneously with the petals. This is very convenient for those who are just mastering beading. Now thread one of the ends through the last blue bead. Tighten into a loop.
Pick up 2 more blue beads and thread the working threadend into the next bead following the yellow one until you get something resembling a flower. Twist both pieces of wire together, and string 4 more green beads onto the twist. This will be the forget-me-not made of beads. This completes the master class on making the smallest flowers.

The third option For the largest flowers you canuse another weaving technique. On a piece of wire 25-30 cm long, string 9 beads of a suitable color and twist the loop so that one of the free ends is 5 cm in size. On the other, string 9 more beads and twist the loop again. In total, the forget-me-not will have 5 such petals. From the remaining ends of the wire, form a stem by twisting them together.

Make a separate center for the forget-me-not flower.Take another 10 cm long wire, string 4 yellow beads, and then pull one end of the wire through 2 beads. Thread the stamen through the middle of the flower and make one twist.

This concludes the third master class on making flowers for a bouquet of forget-me-nots. Using photo examples, you can easily repeat the weaving of these cute flowers yourself.

Making leaves

Of course, forget-me-nots from beads can not be withoutGreen leaves. Unlike flowers, they all need to be done in one weaving technique. True, they will need much less: usually from 6 to 10 pieces. There are 2 ways to do it. The first - in the French technique, and the second - by means of parallel weaving. Both look equally good. The choice depends on the personal preferences of the needlewoman.
French weaving technique Depending onThe number of rows can make large and small leaves. On a wire to type 12 beads, having twisted on one of the ends a wire. This is done so that the beads do not fall off it. At the other end, also make a twist with a loop, dial 1-2 beads more and tighten it to the previous row. Screw the working end around the central axis at an angle of 45 degrees. On the other hand, make the same number. Wire the wire.

For small leaves this will be enough.For large ones, you need to make one more row. In total, you will need 3 large and 6 small leaves for one bouquet. Although their number can be changed to your taste. In this technique, you can make leaves in literally two hours for the entire bouquet. However, not everyone likes how they look.
Parallel weave Take a piece of greenWire, its length should be 40 cm. Collect 3 beads and knead in the middle. One of the ends is reversed through 2 outer beads. Tighten. This will be the technique of parallel weaving. In exactly the same way, weave the whole leaf with beads, only changing the number of beads according to the following scheme:

  • 3 rows - 3 pieces;
  • 4 rows - 4 pieces;
  • 5 rows - 5 pieces;
  • 6 rows - 6 pieces;
  • 7 -10 rows - 7 pieces;
  • 11th row – 6 pieces;
  • 12th row – 5 pieces;
  • 13 row - 4 pieces;
  • 14 rows - 3 pieces;
  • 15 row - 2 pieces.

After finishing weaving, twist the ends of the wiretogether and wrap 3-4 cm below the last row with floral tape or thread. In total, you will need 7-9 leaves. This completes the master class on making the components for a forget-me-not from beads. You can start assembling.

Create a composition

After all the flowers are ready andleaves, you need to lay them out next to each other. Try to form a bouquet in different ways to choose the best option from those available. This creative process can take some time, but do not rush. After all, this is how the forget-me-not made of beads will look in the end. You can also take a look at ideas in photos and video tutorials on how to make it. If you don’t like something, it’s better to put off the work until the next day. It is not necessary to collect all the flowers and leaves on one stem. You can make several forget-me-nots from beads to get a real bouquet.

Now all that remains is to assemble the composition. Сначала нужно собрать цветки начиная с самых крупных, и, постепенно опускаясь по стеблю, добавлять те, что поменьше. Чтобы они хорошо держались, композицию нужно формировать на толстую проволоку. Сверху стебель обматывается капроновыми нитками или флористической лентой. Ниже цветов приложить листья на одном уровне по кругу и также закрепить нитками или лентой. Кончики промазать прозрачным клеем, а когда он высохнет, покрыть весь стебель акриловым лаком.
Decoration To ensure that the finished bouquet is not dusty in the cupboardWithout business, it is necessary to "plant" forget-me-nots from beads in a suitable pot or basket. To this end, you need to dilute the alabaster, PVA glue and water in a one-to-one ratio. Transfer the resulting mass into a pot or any other selected form. To insert forget-me-nots at 3-4 cm in depth, make sure that they hold well, and decorate to your liking.

В природе незабудки распускаются так рано, что there is not even the first bright green grass. Therefore, they usually imitate bare ground. This can be done by sprinkling a little tea leaves or stones on top. When the alabaster mass is completely dry, shake off all the excess and cover with acrylic varnish and dry. This completes the master class on weaving forget-me-nots from beads.

Video: Learning to make forget-me-nots from beads

In conclusion, I would like to note that forget-me-notscan inspire you to create not only a bouquet, but also decorations. The following video shows one of these embodied ideas. The master class is presented in the form of a photo slide show, but it will not be difficult for experienced needlewomen to repeat it.

Video: Plaques of netting

