Formation of New Year's knob from polymer clay and wire by own hands

Formation of New Year's knob from polymer clay and wire by own hands

New Year's holidays as never close and already insome regions even had time to fall snow! Therefore, it is necessary to prepare and, oddly enough, to prepare your house, your apartment to take a new year and meet the most important culprit of the celebration - Santa Claus. Undoubtedly, all the children of the world are expecting Santa Claus or St. Nicholas, and we are expecting our fairy-tale character. He promises us to bring a lot of gifts and because, the children are busy with writing congratulatory letters, preparing for the celebration and in every possible way attaching you to such activities.

Formation of New Year's knob from polymer clay and wire by own hands

Forming a New Year's knob from polymer clay and wire with their own hands. Photo №1 You can not spoil the atmosphere of the holiday, or even better -to build it with your child. Fortunately, there are more than enough methods for this. For example, polymer clay. Artificial clay, which is similar to plastic, but has more durable properties, allows you to recreate a variety of shapes that you can use to design your own work. An infinite number of unique and various design methods pleases us and gives us a full opportunity to meet the Christmas holiday, the day of Nicholas or any other by a variety of ways. There are more than a lot of examples. For example, we can use the services of this very polymer clay to make independent decorations and recreate unique solutions for your home. Forming a New Year's knob from polymer clay and wire with their own hands. Photo # 2 Materials for the knob themselves ManyThey consider the attribute of the family holiday of the new year - Shishka. They live on the trees and therefore, in the winter, they become more than popular. To make such a bump with your own hands is a great work that requires special efforts and opportunities. For this we need to use a wide variety of unique lessons, as well as materials. Nevertheless, those who have already faced the possibilities of working with polymer clay, understand perfectly well that the design and creation of a unique gift is a simple enough undertaking. We need only take advantage of what we have: Forming a New Year's knob from polymer clay and wire with their own hands. Picture №3

  • We need to take the polymer clay in the right amount
  • Also prepare the wire
  • It will require a paint on the oil composition: red and green, respectively.
  • We take the stacks in the form of the main, the stack of the cat's foot, and also a stack for covering the seams. Instead, you can take a conventional toothpick
  • Latex glue
  • To work on the wire - Pliers.

How to form bumps? Forming a New Year's knob from polymer clay and wire with their own hands. Photo №4 Using pliers, we need to takewire and bend it not a special loop. Then, you need to mix the colors together with the polymer clay, get a brown version. Then, it is necessary to roll the ball to a size of 1-5 centimeters, make it in the form of a drop. After, the wire is lowered into the glue and then, put a drop on this wire. Wait until the entire installation is dried. Cooking patterns for a drop Forming a New Year's knob from polymer clay and wire with their own hands. Photo №5 Then, we need to roll the ball in the sizes to3-4 millimeters using flattening with the help of fingers. Get an interesting version of the Lenticular. Using a stack of toothpicks, we must roll one side of such a lenticle. After, the edge will form a thin layer. From the lenticle, we will form a scales that will be needed for work. Using the stack of the cat's foot, we must draw the pattern and leave the scaly until it dries. Thus, we need to make 40 similar procurement options. Forming a New Year's knob from polymer clay and wire with their own hands. Photo №6 We fix scales and foundation In the first row wewe select scales with smaller size to glue them to our workpiece. The scales overlap the other half of the size. Thus, we glue our scales until we glue the entire area to the wire. Then, we will form a tail for the future cone. Forming a New Year's knob from polymer clay and wire with their own hands. Photo №7 For this, it is necessary to lubricate the bases of the cone andwire with glue. After, you need to take a piece of clay and fix it on the wire, using a small approach to the base of this knob. Next, you need to roll up the seams with a special stack, or using a toothpick. Obtained shishechki, as in the photo. Forming a New Year's knob from polymer clay and wire with their own hands. Photo №8

