Free master class on making topiary of beads

Free master class on making topiary of beads

Beads are a wonderful material for manycrafts. They weave original jewelry from it for fans of high-quality costume jewelry. Necklaces, earrings, rings, pendants and bracelets made of beads are no less popular than products from jewelry stores. Beading masters make napkins, candlesticks and other decorative elements from multi-colored beads. Creative thoughts cannot be stopped and now beaded topiaries are being created. The art of topiary is many centuries old. Trees trimmed in a certain way were very popular even with the ancient Romans. It was in the Roman gardens that special slaves (topiaries) worked, who maintained the crowns of trees in proper form. Of course, now free artists and gardeners give a beautiful geometric shape to vegetation. Interest in this type of landscape design continues to grow, but caring for garden trees is quite labor-intensive and a painstaking process. To decorate interiors, handicraft masters have come up with miniature topiaries. These are small compositions with geometrically correct (usually round) crowns of plants. A variety of materials are used to create such topiaries. This article will offer an option for creating a topiary from beads with step-by-step photos. Coffee bead topiary.Free master class to create topiary of beads. Photo №1The height of this warm and coffee topiary is approximately 40 cm. Materials for work:

  • Brown beads with a golden inner coating about 80 g;
  • Golden transparent beads 40 g;
  • 1 coil of gold wire;
  • A 5 m piece of thick wire 1.5 - 2 mm in diameter;
  • A section of 1 m of very thick wire 4 mm in diameter;
  • Silk threads of coffee color;
  • Coffee cup and saucer clay or ceramic;
  • Coffee beans slightly more than 100 g;
  • Ground coffee
  • Ball base for topiary 6 - 7 cm in diameter (you can take a Christmas tree decoration or buy it in a florist's shop);
  • White and brown paint;
  • Gypsum;
  • Instant glue and PVA;
  • Colorless varnish in an aerosol container.

The first stage is preparing the base ball forTopiary. Sort the coffee beans. Choose the smoothest, most beautiful, the same color and size. Paint the ball brown, in several layers. Attach the coffee beans with instant glue. You can make two layers if one doesn't look right to you.Free master class to create topiary of beads. Photo # 2The second stage is preparing the branches.Weave using the axisless French technique. String beads onto a spool of wire. Step back 15 cm from the end (move the bead string further along the wire). Make a loop of 15 beads, and 2 more loops around it with an increasing number of beads. Secure the loops on the wire by twisting the working part a couple of times. Step back a couple of centimeters and make another leaf. In this way, form five or more leaves. Measure 15 cm of wire from the last leaf and cut it off. Make the outer loops on each leaf pointed. Now you need to twist the leaves into twigs. The work starts from the central leaf of the workpiece. Twist the twig by twisting the free distance of the wire between the leaves, straighten the leaves themselves chaotically.Free master class to create topiary of beads. Picture №3It is necessary to make 15 such branches.The third stage is sepals. French axial weaving. For the axis, you need 10 cm of wire. String 12 - 15 beads on it. Weave arches from a string of brown beads. For each sepal, 5 pairs of arches of brown beads. The angle of the arches is 45 ° relative to the axis. Weave the last 6th pair of arches with gold (amber) beads. On the upper part of the sepal axis, you can make a loop of 10 gold beads. Hide the wire tail on the reverse side.Free master class to create topiary of beads. Photo №4The fourth stage is the formation of branches andtrunk. Attach branches to pieces of wire 20 cm and 1.5 - 2 cm in diameter. Then form a thicker branch from them. (See photo). Take the thickest wire, it will be the trunk of the topiary. Make a loop at one end, with its help the coffee tree will be attached to the cup. Then, measuring from the other end of the future trunk about 5 cm, attach the sepals. And then spirally the remaining blanks of the branches.Free master class to create topiary of beads. Photo №5 Free master class to create topiary of beads. Photo №6The last stage is final assembly anddecorating a tree. Fasten an inverted cup and saucer with glue and wait until it dries completely. Now mix the plaster with water and PVA glue (the consistency of thick sour cream) and attach the trunk to the cup and saucer, "pour" some of the plaster so that it seems that it partially flowed out of the cup onto the saucer. Apply a thin layer of the plaster mixture (the consistency of liquid sour cream) to the trunk and branches.Free master class to create topiary of beads. Photo №7Attach a coffee ball to the free crown.Paint the trunk and branches with brown paint. After the paint has completely dried, use a stiff brush and white paint to give relief to the trunk with horizontal movements. For final decoration, use the same plaster or PVA glue with ground coffee. Finally, cover everything with transparent varnish.Free master class to create topiary of beads. Photo №8

