Free master classes to create modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description.

Free master classes to create modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description.

The skill of folding various figures frompaper sheets – origami is several thousand years old. Its homeland is China, where the first paper was invented. The art of folding paper crafts came to Japan five centuries later. Initially, paper figures were of a ceremonial and religious nature. Since paper was a rare and expensive pleasure, only very rich and noble people could afford figures made of it. Samurai gave them to each other as gifts. Paper crafts also decorated burdens – food offerings in Buddhist temples. Over time, intricately folded figures became the main component of offerings and acquired mystical meaning. At weddings, paper butterflies accompanied the bride and groom and symbolized their pure souls. Over time, paper became cheaper, and people of different classes and incomes could fold figures. The number of variations of figures grew and at the end of the 18th century, the first book with instructions on folding crafts was published. The name "origami" itself came into use in the 80th year of the 19th century from two words "oru" and "kami", which means "to fold" and "paper". In modern origami art, there are several directions. One of them is modular origami. Crafts are created by arranging small parts folded in a certain way - modules. It is also called 3D origami. One of its branches is kusudama - the creation of volumetric balls. This article will offer several master classes on creating paper balls from small modules. With detailed diagrams and a description of the work, even beginners in the art of origami will be able to create such a beautiful craft. The first master class is quite simple and is dedicated to creating a ball of flowers. It is very easy to make. This craft will be within the power of even children, which will have a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills of their fingers, the ability to think logically and outside the box and will develop imagination. Origami ball of flowers.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 1You will need:

  • The paper is square in shape. (You can use multi-colored squares from the blocks for the recordings. Of such sheets with a side of 7 cm, a floral ball is 13 cm in diameter);
  • PVA glue;
  • Staples;
  • Strings, ribbon or chain;

Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 2The first stage is folding the petal for the flower. Take a square of paper and fold it diagonally. The fold line is located at the bottom. You get a triangle.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 3Bend the right and left corners towards the top so that the figure takes the form of a regular diamond.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 4Fold lines and corners that touch atThe central line of the rhombus must be turned so that two irregular rhombuses are formed on the right and left (the fold lines will run along the center of the new rhombuses).Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 5Bend the protruding parts of the new diamonds on the right and left to the front side (towards you).Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 6Fold the corners of the workpiece along the fold line (which runs through the center of the diamonds) so that it is inside.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 7Those halves of the folded corners, which are on the front side, spread with glue and fold the blank. Wait until they stick. One petal of the flower is ready.Free master classes to create modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 8For one flower you need 5 of these blanks.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 9For the flower ball you will need to make 12 flowers. Multicolored or single-colored – your imagination will tell you.Free master classes to create modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 10The next step is to create a ball. First, you need to assemble 2 halves with 6 blanks in each. For convenience, the flowers can be fixed with paper clips.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 11Then connect both halves together.While the flower ball is only secured with paper clips, the placement of individual flowers can be changed. If the color combination is successful, the next step is gluing the flowers together. The final step is assembly.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 12Since the flowers in the center are not tightly packed,you can thread a ribbon or a string through this hole. At the exit, you can fix it with a beautiful bead or just tie it with a bow. Kusudama is ready to decorate your life. The next master class will require more skill and time. The modules for this kusudama are more difficult, but the result is worth the time and effort. Super origami ball from modules.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 13You will need:

  • For training, double-sided paper measuring 15 x 15 cm (one side white);
  • Glue.

The first stage is folding a double square. Fold the sheet diagonally with the colored side facing out. Unfold. Fold horizontally and vertically with the colored side facing inward. Unfold.Free master classes to create modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 14The photo shows the direction of further folding to create a double square.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №15The next step is to create a blank formodule. Place the square so that the blind corner is on top. Fold the right and left upper sides along the vertical center line. Turn over and fold the second side in exactly the same way.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 16The pieces that were folded turned out to be triangular. They need to be flattened and folded inward.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №17This is what happens.Free master classes to create modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 18Place the blank with the blind corner down (it looks sharp). Fold the right and left corners as shown by the arrows in the picture.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №19This leaves four sharp angles. All of them need to be bent down.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 20The next step is folding the workpiece.Now that all the necessary lines have been marked, the entire workpiece should be unfolded and positioned so that the white side faces us and the colored side is on the outside. It is necessary to press on the center of the workpiece (see photo).Free master classes to create modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 21Upon careful examination of the workpiece, four squares are visible on it, they must be folded along the marked lines. They are indicated in the photo as red arrows.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 22The same arrows indicate the directionfolding - the corners are tucked behind the triangle from behind. They should be butt-joined. It is necessary to adhere to the marked fold lines and everything should work out.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 23This is how the blank looks from the white side. The next step is to bend the left and right corners along the arrow and bend the top corner down.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 24The first of the four squares is folded, you just need to fold the right corner with the left one (as if turning the page of a book).Free master classes to create modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Picture №25For the second square, the corners are placed behind the triangle in the same way, etc.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 26 Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 27 Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №28 Free master classes to create modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 29 Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Picture №30Make the third square in the same way. The blank with three folded corners looks like in the picture.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 31The last corner will be more difficult. It is necessary to carefully control that bending on previously marked lines. Look at the photo.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Picture # 32Bend the right corner, bring the left side and bend the left corner. Slightly spread the workpiece and carefully lower the upper sharp corner inward.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 33 Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 34The origami module is ready and you can start creating the ball.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Picture №35Volumetric balls can be assembled from double modules(you will need 32 pieces) or single (you will need 40 pieces). The first ones are more original. The double module consists of squares - 9 x 9 cm. The green modules are made as in the master class above completely, and the yellow ones up to half. They must be left at the stage of sharp corners and not turned inside out.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 36Connect both modules as in the photo. Assembling the ball. Put together the blanks from the two modules. Glue with glue. There are 9 blanks in the circle.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 37 Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 38 Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Picture №39 Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 40For the next row you need 6 blanks.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 41For the top of one half, you need another blank. Glue it in.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 42Make the second half of the Super Ball in the same way.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 43Coat the flat side of one of the halves generously with glue and attach a loop of ribbon or lace.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №44Connect both halves and the Super Ball is ready.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 45The next version is created on a stand from three blanks. It used squares of 12 x 12 cm, 11.5 x 11.5 cm and 11 x 11 cm.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 13The remaining modules for the ball are double.Connect them in the same way as the previous ones. The next master class on creating a ball will differ in that the paper sheets will not be square, but rectangular. Sides 2:1.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 47You will need:

  • The paper is green and red (or any color you like);
  • Glue.

For one ball you will need 30 sheets of paperrectangular in shape, green and red. Therefore, there will be only 30 double modules. At first glance, this craft seems complicated, but it can easily be done in a couple of hours. If you are just starting to master the art of origami, you should choose the dimensions of the sheet of paper 8 x 4 cm. The size of the ball will be 9.5 cm in diameter. The first stage is the creation of modules. Green module. Fold the rectangle in half. Unfold, and connect the right and left sides along the fold line.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №48 Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №49Fold in half. The module is ready.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Picture №50Red module. Fold the leaf in half along the long side.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №51Fold line at the bottom. Fold the bottom left corner up.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 52Bend it back (see photo). Corner inward.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 53Fold the corner on the other side (lower right). Bend the resulting triangle as in the photo.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №54This is what the finished red module looks like.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №55The next step is to assemble the blank from modules. Unfold both modules and connect them as shown in the image.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo number 56 Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №57 Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №58You need 30 of these blanks.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №59The last stage is to assemble the ball. Apply glue to the ends of the modules. Connect the blanks with pink corners, inserting them into the pockets. First, connect five blanks into a star.Free master classes to create modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo number 60 Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №61 Free master classes to create modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №62Then connect the triangles formed around the star. Add 1 piece each and close five triangles.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo number63 Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №64The next step is to add two more pieces to the three existing ones – you get stars.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 65Triangles were obtained again. The photo shows with arrows where it is necessary to add 1 more blank and where to simply connect adjacent modules.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 66Now 1 blank is added to each star.Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 67 Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №68Connect the last star with glue and the ball is ready.Free master classes for creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo №69 Free master classes on creating modular origami balls, step-by-step photos and description .. Photo # 70If desired, you can swap the roles of green andred leaves, and you will get two modules of different colors. After completing the creation of kusudama, you can decorate it with various beads, ribbons, laces, glitter, attach pendants made of beads and crystals, or decorate it with any other accessories of your choice.

