Free master classes on weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photo

Free master classes on weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photo

How many shades of lily petals are there fromsnow-white to bright tiger, there are just as many different legends and myths associated with the origin of this flower. In most beliefs, white lilies symbolized purity and innocence, while flowers in bright, rich and sunny hues represented fertility and passion. Images of lilies were found all over the world, in ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek burials; also, a golden lily on a blue background was the coat of arms of French monarchs; for Byzantine rulers, the lily personified success and prosperity. Fairy tales from Germany tell that in each such flower lives a tiny elf. And of course, everyone knows about the legendary lotus legs of rich Chinese women of antiquity. Now the lily remains just a beautiful flower with delicate petals of many shades. With the help of our master class you can create a beautiful tiger or white lily from beads. It will not fade over time and will delight you with its bright petals for a very long time. Based on this weaving lesson, you can make a lily of absolutely any color. This craft will definitely fit into the interior of your home and will make an excellent brooch or pendant. By varying the sizes of the flower and beads, you can create a variety of products that will suit the taste and delight needlewomen and their loved ones. Tiger lily made of beads.Free master classes for weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photos. Photo №1This lily is made using the parallel techniqueweaving. The principle of operation is that the ends of the fishing line or, in this case, wires intersect in all the strung beads of the row. You will need:

  • Beads 11/0 dark brown, black, white, orange and green (2 shades) colors;
  • Golden wire approximately 0.3 – 0.4 mm;
  • Green floral tape;
  • Scissors and nippers.

Petals.One flower requires 6 petals. For each petal you need to take orange and black beads and alternate them when weaving in the same order as real flowers. To do this, just look at photos of flowers on the Internet. String 3 beads onto a piece of wire and cross the ends of the first and third. It turned out the first 2 rows of petals. In the first – 1 bead in the second 2 beads. Then beads are added in each row in the following sequence, starting from the top of the petal: third row 4 beads, fourth – 5, then 8, 10, 11 (two rows), 12, 14 (six rows), 13, 12 (two rows), 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Both Pass the ends of the wires through all the beads in the row. To make the petals more natural, you can change the order of black and orange beads in each petal. After completing the weaving, do not cut off the tails of the wire and make several turns immediately after the last 1 bead.Free master classes for weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photos. Photo # 2Leaflet. You will need 2 leaves.Mix beads of two shades of green. The leaves are woven using exactly the same technique as the petals. The sequence of weaving from the top of the leaf is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (two rows), 9 (two rows), 11 (two rows), 9, 8 (two rows), 7, 6 (two rows) , 5, 4 (two rows), 3,1.Free master classes for weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photos. Picture №3The next stage – weaving of stamens.Each flower requires 5 stamens. On a 30 cm piece of wire, collect 14 brown beads. Place the bottom in the center of the wire and cross the tails in the 15th bead. Then string 30 white beads onto both ends of the wire.Free master classes for weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photos. Photo №4 Free master classes for weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photos. Photo №5Assembly.Twist the wire tails of the stamens together, then wrap the petals to them one at a time. An additional piece of wire will help give the flower stem additional strength. Then attach the leaves a little lower and wrap the stem with green floral tape. Straighten and shape the petals and leaves and the lily is ready.Free master classes for weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photos. Photo №6 Free master classes for weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photos. Photo №7 Free master classes for weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photos. Photo №1Bouquet of white lilies.Free master classes for weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photos. Photo Number 9This flower was created using the French technique, also called the arc weaving technique. Required:

  • Beads 12/0 white, cherry, light green, green, brown;
  • 2 beads 6/0 for each flower;
  • Green and silver wire 0.3 mm;
  • Copper wire 1 mm;
  • Floral tape is green;
  • Scissors and nippers.

Petals.You need 6 petals for each flower. Cut 1 m of silver wire. Twist one ponytail into a small loop. Subsequently, this part of the wire will be the axis. String 15 – 16 white beads and 14 cherry beads, then make a large loop of wire and a few turns to secure the beads, then add 10 more cherry beads and enough white beads to the remaining end of the wire so that the bottom reaches the beginning of the first one.Free master classes for weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photos. Picture №10Make a turn of the wire with the last lowaround the axis. Continue stringing the beads, each time reducing the number of cherry beads and increasing the number of white beads. Make a few more arcs. Each subsequent one is larger than the previous one. There should be no distances between them, the arcs should fit tightly to each other. The third arc from the central one should be made entirely of white beads. Twist the ends of the wire, unfold the top loop and hide the resulting tail in the beads.Free master classes for weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photos. Photo Number 11To secure the form more reliably, it is necessarysew each petal through the center with a small piece of wire, and insert the tails of the wire into the outer arcs. For buds, you can weave 2 petals and roll them in a spiral.Free master classes for weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photos. Photo number 12Leaves. Weave according to the principle of petals from green beads. Make it slightly smaller than the petals.Free master classes for weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photos. Photo №13Stamens.You need 6 stamens for each flower. Braid on one piece of wire 60 cm long. Measure about 5 cm from one end and mark. Then string 14 light green and 6 brown beads, thread the longer end of the wire through the light green beads. You've got the first stamen, do the other five in the same way. Assembly.Free master classes for weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photos. Photo Number 14String 1 bead onto a thicker wire6/0. This is the center of the flower. Place stamens, petals and leaves around it. Wrap the stem with floral tape, covering the wire. And the bouquet of lilies is ready.Free master classes for weaving tiger and white lilies from beads with photos. Photo Number 9

