Free schemes and master classes with a photo on the weaving of baubles and beads.
The history of baubles begins with North American onesIndians. They were the first to exchange multi-colored bracelets woven from threads, laces, ribbons and beads as a sign of friendship. Having received such a gift, the Indians became sworn brothers to each other, and such a bauble had to be worn until the threads themselves broke. The broad hippie movement adopted this idea of exchanging bracelets. Those who received a bauble were considered brothers in their subculture. Bracelets were very popular and widespread in the hippie brotherhood, there were even wedding baubles. They were woven very similar or even identical and given to each other. In the modern world, such bracelets are simply beautiful accessories. A bauble is a unisex decoration, both boys and girls can wear it. It is very easy to weave such a bracelet from beads, because there are many multi-colored and different-sized beads. Therefore, each bracelet will be unique and original in its own way. The main thing that unites them all is This is the love with which bracelets are woven and the particles of creative energy that the maker puts into the bauble. A nice and very simple bauble, suitable for everyday wear.You will need:
- Beads 10/0 (color to choose according to own taste);
- Beads 4 mm (you can take the beads beads);
- The line;
This bracelet can be woven without a clasp if you make it a little larger than the wrist circumference. It turns out quite elastic and stretches well.The weaving begins with a set of four beads ona piece of fishing line of a convenient length. The work will go in one thread They need to be closed in a ring. String 5 beads, 4 beads, close the beads in a ring, string 7 beads and again make a ring of 4 beads, pick up 5 beads and pass the fishing line through the side bead of the first ring. Pick up seven beads and again make a ring of 4 beads, pick up 5 beads and pass the fishing line through the side bead of the lower nearest ring of beads. Again pick up 7 beads and make a ring of beads, weave like this until the desired length of the bracelet. Do not cut the fishing line. The third picture shows a method for weaving the second row of the bracelet using the mosaic technique. In this circle, only beads are woven. You can weave a beautiful clasp on such a bracelet and use the last cell as a loop. You can attach a clasp bought in a hardware store or weave the bracelet into a ring. Earrings woven in the same technique will perfectly suit such a cute decoration. The following charming bracelet intertwines delicate and bright field daisies. Beaded bauble "Chamomile Wreath".
You will need:
- Beads 10/0 (white, green, yellow);
- Fishing line 0.16 - 0.17 mm and a beading needle.
At the first stages of work, weaving suchThe bracelet-tourniquet is not very convenient, so for greater comfort it is easier to put the workpiece on a flexible silicone tube (for this bracelet a diameter of 1 cm is suitable). Later the tube can be pulled out. The work is done in one working thread (fishing line). String six white beads on a piece of convenient length. Pass the fishing line through the first bead (direction straight). String two green beads, one white and again two green. String the entire sequence twice more. At the end, string two green beads.Connect into a ring by passing the fishing line throughthe fourth in the first white flower. (all the necessary beads are marked in the photo). To weave the flower cores, string 1 yellow bead, pass the line through the first bead of the bunch, return through the yellow, pass the line into the 4th (corner) bead (direction straight).
Continue to weave in a spiral. Between the corner bundles, string 2 green and six white beads (close them in a ring), then 2 green again. Make a core in the circle bundle below.
After reaching the desired length, connect the bracelet.To do this, collect part of the bundle and the middle. Start connecting with one white bead between the first and second bundles of the starting row. String two green, three white, thread the line into the corner, two white again, close. Make a core in the bundle of the initial row. String 2 green, thread the line into the corner bead of the row below, etc. In the very first bundle of the tourniquet (the set began with it) make a core. Bauble on a cord.
You will need:
- Pearls (peach 10 mm, white 6 mm);
- Golden beads of the form Абакус 8х6 mm, 6х4 mm;
- Beads 10/0 beige;
- Beads 11/0 and 6/0 are brown;
- Brown glass;
- The line;
- Waxed cord with a diameter of 2 mm.
String 4 pearls onto a convenient piece of fishing linepeach and 4 brown beads 6/0 and connect into a ring. The fishing line should come out of the bead. Pick up 3 beads 11/0, 1 abacus 6x4 mm, a pearl 6 mm, 1 abacus and 3 more beads 11/0. Pass the fishing line through the bead 6/0, which is located opposite the 6/0 bead from which the fishing line came out. Pick up 3 beads 11/0 and 1 abacus and pass the fishing line through the white pearl. String 1 abacus and 3 beads 11/0 and pass the fishing line through the bead 6/0 (the first one). Pass the fishing line through the peach pearl and place 1 bead 6/0 under the same beads picked up at the beginning. Weave 2 more blanks in the same way. You will need 2 identical pieces of lace. Singe the edges. Pass both laces through the 6/0 beads that are woven in last. String 1 peach pearl on both ends of the lace and tie knots.The next step is weaving four flagella inmosaic technique. Alternate beads, changing color and size each row. The width of the blank is 6 beads, the length is five beads in each row (vertical). Wrap the cord with the blank and weave another row using the brick technique. The width of the blank has become 7 beads. The fifth tourniquet will be a clasp. Weave in the same way, but larger in size 11 x 6 beads. Cross the tails of the laces with beads and secure the fifth tourniquet. Addition to the bracelet. Thread an additional piece of fishing line into a 6/0 bead. Work in 2 threads. Put 2 bugle beads on both tails and cross them in 1 8x4 abacus, then put 3 beige beads on the tails and thread the tails into the 6/0 beads on the tourniquets. Then put on 3 more beige beads, cross them in the abacus, string 2 bugle beads again and cross the fishing line tails in the 6/0 bead.
For two large cords, you need to weave 10 rows in width using the brick weaving technique, 5 beads + 1 row of bugles, then rows of beads again. Wrap around the laces and connect the edges as before.
The bauble with laces is ready.In fact, a bauble can be woven in a variety of ways. For those who are just beginning to master bead weaving, several very simple patterns are offered below. At the same time, even such simple bracelets can become original and bright, it is fashionable to experiment with colors or the shape of beads, weave in beads of a different size, in general, do what your imagination suggests.