Free crochet patterns for booties, descriptions of knitting striped booties, sneaker booties and bunny booties
Are you expecting a baby soon?Or maybe a tiny nephew, godson or just a neighbor. Love children and want to please the newborn and his parents. Give something made with your own hands. For small children, crocheted booties are an excellent option. These are soft slippers for babies who cannot walk yet. They are designed to protect little feet from the cold and damage. To create them, you will need very little time and materials, and the result will always please. There are countless bootie models in handicraft magazines and on the Internet. Most of them are decorated with ribbons, beads, rhinestones and seed beads. Knitted from threads of all shades of pink. In general, options for a little princess. And what if you have a little knight? And you want to knit booties for him. This article suggests knitting charming booties sneakers for future football stars and no less bright and beautiful zebra booties with your own hands. Such options, of course, are also suitable for little hooligans. The main thing is to choose the right threads, take measurements and make calculations. If you are already familiar with the articles of our club, which tell how to knit booties, feel free to scroll through the diagrams and start knitting. If you have picked up a ball of threads for the first time, then a few tips will help you get your bearings. First, you need to decide on the yarn. Choose one that contains wool, cotton, silk, bamboo. Natural components are hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. Also, the composition of threads with wool may include acrylic and viscose. These components will make the thread more durable, strong and less prickly. If you bought a whole skein, then the label usually indicates the hook number suitable for these threads. If you have yarn left, and there is no data on which hook to knit with, just measure the diameter of the thread and the diameter of the hook near the head. They should match. To take measurements from the foot, just trace the foot on a piece of paper. Now you can easily measure the width and length, and while knitting you can apply the sole to the pattern for verification. The first booties we will knit are "Zebra in green tones".Bright, positive and soft, decorated with buttonsbooties can be knitted for feet of different sizes. For babies up to 3 months, the foot length will be approximately 9 cm, from 3 to 6 = 10 cm and from 6 to 9 = 12 cm. Of course, by taking measurements you will determine the exact size of the foot and knit according to it. You will need:
- Yarn from cotton of two shades of green (you can choose any other colors you like);
- 4 buttons;
- Hook of the corresponding number.
To start knitting in a circle frominitial chain, you need to calculate the number of VP for this from the length of the leg, subtract the width and get the length of the initial chain of VP in cm. For example, the length of the leg is 12 cm, and the width is 5.5 cm. You need to knit a chain of VP 6.5 cm in length. There are so many patterns for bootie soles that you can choose any one you like. We offer this one.Cast on 15 ch.(Your quantity may be different) + 3 ch, in the 4th loop from the hook knit 2 dc, then again 2 dc with a common base, then 13 dc, in the outer loop you need to knit 6 dc, knit the second side of the first row of the sole symmetrically. Continue knitting according to the pattern. To move on to the sides of the booties, without breaking the thread, knit 1 circle of sc for the back half loop. Now, if you have several colors for the booties, it's time to knit a row of a different shade. Knit 3 circles without increases or decreases of sc, alternating the colors of the yarn. Do not forget to start the circle with lifting loops and finish with slip stitches. Now we begin to knit the nose and heel. You need to highlight the middle 21 loops for the nose with a thread of a contrasting color (with a pin, paper clip or something else). Fasten a thread of a different color at the beginning of the toe and knit: *2 sc with a common base, 1 sc*, repeat 7 times. Knit 1 sc in the remaining loops. In the next row, repeat from * 5 times. Mark the center of the knitting of the heel. Now knit 2 half dc with a common base 2 times, 2 dc with a common base 2 times, 2 half dc with one base twice, then knit sc as usual, and knit the 2 middle loops of the heel into one vertex. In the next round, knit 1 ch p.p., 2 dc with one base twice, then knit sc, not forgetting to knit 2 sc with a common base in the middle of the heel. Do not forget to alternate the yarn. Now we will knit the bootleg. They are done symmetrically for the left and right booties. The buttons will be located on the outside. Count 7 loops from the middle of the nose to the heel and move on using a ss. We will knit towards the heel. Knit 1 ch. p. s. 25 sc and a chain of 6 ch. Turn the work. 1 half-dc in the 3rd loop from the hook and then knit to the end of the row half-dc. Start the next five rows with 2 ch. p. s. and knit half-dc, alternating the colors of the yarn. It remains to tie a sc around the edges of the bootleg and sew two buttons to each bootie. The next booties are crochet sneakers for little athletes.
You can choose a wide variety of colors.The sole is knitted similarly to the previous version with white threads. Knit the first row of the sides: 3 ch p p and then dc. finish with ss. The second row knit dc. The third row knit sc. The fourth row knit sc with a thread of a different color. The fifth row knit sc with white threads. Fasten off and cut the thread. Now we proceed to knitting the booties. To begin, fold the bootie in half lengthwise and count seven loops from the center. Mark the place of the mark on each side of the bootie. The “tongue” of the sneaker will be attached here. Do not knit them yet. We begin knitting in the 8th loop with a thread of a contrasting color: 3 ch p p and continue knitting dc. Make the next (second) row with sc. Third row. knit 4 ch, skip 3 loops and in the 4th knit a dc. Without finishing the last 4 loops of the row, make 1 dc in the last loop of the row. Similarly, knit three more odd rows similar to the third and three even rows similar to the second. To make the booties look like real sneakers, let's make a label for them. To do this, knit a circle according to the pattern with white threads and embroider with threads of two contrasting colors.
In a ring of 4 ch, tie 3 ch and 17 dc.finish with 1 ss. Start the second round with 2 ch and tie 1 relief column in each loop. Finish with 1 ss. Make 2 such flowers and sew them on the outside of the booties near the heels.
Now we start knitting the "tongue" of the booties. The first 4 rows are knitted with white thread, the following rows with contrasting thread.
First row. In 1 ch tie 3 ch + 6 dc.Second row. Double all the loops. You will get a semicircle. Now the knitting will be done on the flat side. Knit 1 ch and 9 sc. Knit the following rows with a contrasting thread, alternating a row of dc and a row of sc. Another 11 rows. Now you need to attach the “tongue”. To do this, combine its semicircular part with 14 loops of the unknitted nose. Turn the bootie inside out and sew on the “tongue”. Then turn it back to the front side. The last touches remain. The row where the sole goes to the side part must be highlighted by knitting 1 circle of s.s. with white yarn. You also need to highlight the holes for the laces with white thread. To do this, they are sewn with a loop stitch.
Now you can thread the laces and the booties are ready. The following crochet bunny booties can be worn by both boys and girls.
It is very easy to connect them, as shown belowdiagram. You will need about 50 g of yarn of the main color and a little bit of black and pink threads for the eyes, bows and nose. By changing the number of loops in the initial chain and the number of rows when knitting the sides, you can adjust the size of the slipper.