Garlands of corrugated paper with your own hands. Master class / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

Garlands of corrugated paper with your own hands. Master class / Toys with their own hands, patterns, video, MK

Rarely what holiday does without suchpopular decoration, like a garland. Stretched across the hall, she immediately creates a festive mood. You can buy it in the store, but it's better to make it yourself. With your own hands, you can make original garlands of corrugated paper - inexpensive, colorful and easy-to-use material. We make garlands of corrugated paperWe offer several original ideas and master classes that will help you make your house festive and elegant.

Garland of corrugated paper with your hands - a master class

We make garlands of corrugated paperYou can make this decoration very easily and quickly. We need: corrugated paper, scissors and glue. We make garlands of corrugated paperStep one. Cut from two rolls of corrugated paper of different colors, one piece in width from 2 to 4 cm. As a result, we will get two small rolls. We make garlands of corrugated paperStep two. We glue the ends of the rolls, as shown in the diagram. We make garlands of corrugated paperStep three. We throw one ribbon through the place of gluing and align it. Then we add the second tape in the same way. Continue to shift the layers of paper ribbons crosswise. We make garlands of corrugated paperStep four. We twist both ribbons to the end and get here such a pile of colored layers. We glue the ends of the bands and unfold our creation. Smart garland, made by own hands, ready. We make garlands of corrugated paper

Multicolored festive garland with their own hands - master class

We make garlands of corrugated paperIn order to make such a bright garland, we will need three-color corrugated paper, scissors and a sewing machine. See similar master classes:

