A gift to your aunt cooked with your own hands. Photos and simple recommendations.

A gift to your aunt cooked with your own hands. Photos and simple recommendations.

Gifts are always more pleasant than receiving. And if this applies to your loved ones, then it is more pleasant to make such an offer in duplicate. Suppose that your beloved aunt invited you to visit any of the possible holidays, which are usually celebrated in your family. Come with empty hands you do not allow yourself, and therefore be puzzled by the question, so that the unpredictable and desired by her to hand it to her as a gift for the holiday. The most valuable present for an expensive and caring aunt will be a gift created by your efforts and executed by your own hands. Let's try to figure out what would be so special and unique could be made and presented to her on the day of the appointed celebration. Any woman will not remain indifferent to the gift created with taste and love. It can be a beautiful vase for flowers, which can also be presented as a gift. In order to create this work, there are many technologies. These vases are made from any improvised material. Usually they are made from glass containers - jars, bottles, etc. The main thing is to put your imagination into it and be patient. For the finishing of these products any handy material can be useful - corrugated paper, acrylic paints, foil or other possible elements. A gift to your aunt cooked with your own hands. Photos and simple recommendations .. Photo # 1 If you celebrate the celebration you plannedit is necessary at the time of the fall leaf fall or "golden" autumn, you can make with your hands a beautiful vase from the autumn herbarium, which beckons its magnificence and is located in large numbers right under your feet, when you go through forest or street paths. In such a gift, made by own hands, you can put any ingredients presented to us in a lucrative autumn, which his mistress will want to place on the festive table. It can be ripe fruit, nuts or sweets for guests. However, for a longer use of such a souvenir, it is better to use artificial leaves in a craft, which, in appearance, hardly differ from ordinary ones. A gift to your aunt cooked with your own hands. Photos and simple recommendations .. Photo # 2 You can sew a special doll from the shreds, whichwill be the amulet of the home of your beloved relative. It will carry in itself traditions that have been passed down through the ages from generation to generation in order to protect the family hearth. Thanks to you this amulet will be presented as a gift to your aunt. This special craftsmanship will absorb all your good wishes and concern about who it will be given to. A gift to your aunt cooked with your own hands. Photos and simple recommendations .. Photo # 3

